Thursday, February 3, 2022

It Seems

   My mind is quite occupied with the national weather situation which is assaulting much of the central part of the country and expressly over the Ohio valley. I live in the so-called Bluegrass State of Kentucky and the wintry mix is currently reeking havoc here. As I gaze at the doppler radar display over the weather app on the tv it is awash with multiple colors, signifying a huge area of freezing rain, heavier and colder rain, some light snow and the dreaded ice. I'm awed at the amount of freezing rain and ice falling in multiple areas and with the slow, deliberate path the storm is taking. It's quite astonishing.  

    Over the last year the weather seems  to have become much more intense and severe for much of the earth. The climate has shown a drastic shift and there has been a dramatic uptick in solar flares combined with large cme's (cornal mass ejection's) from the sun. These ejection's have had direct impacts on the earth and the recent, strange weather anomilies are the result. The fall of 2021 and the winter of 2022 will go down in the history books as some of the most severe in centuries.

   The strange and severe weather patterns are just a part of what is currently happening on our planet. Societies are crumbling under new waves of crime and economic calamity for many countries. The numbers of murders worlwide have increased dramatically and poverty and famine are spreading due to lack of supply and government upheaval. The leaders of many nation's are 'cracking the whip of totalitarianism' upon their people in order to gain more control and bring greater hardship. These leaders are relentless in their plans.

  Certainly the greatest of worldwide calamities has been the Covid 19, or Corona virus, which has remained as a threat to humanity since late 2019. The cases of Covid19 have continued to soar in some parts of the world but in others there have been dramatic drops in reported cases over a six to seven month period. Ironically, Israel tops the list of increased cases being reported over the last six to seven month period from 2021 to 2022.



Thursday, November 4, 2021

In Due Time

 What is it, exactly? This fascination, maybe even obsession, with time travel. What is the conclusion I am attempting to come up with? My thoughts have been inundated with the subject of this most mysterious conundrum for as long as I can remember. 

This life-long interest in the possibility of traveling through time can be quite unnerving in some ways. It has occupied my days and nights with such extreme imagination that I have often wandered into some type of fantasyland, if you will. I admit that I have allowed these straying's to fulfill an unusual fixation to find myself in another place...another time. It's all in good fun. Is it not?

If you would, allow your own imagination to explore the possibility of time travel. To be able to, with the aid of a very sophisticated machine or computer or, perhaps, by using your own mind. After all, our minds are the most sophisticated and complex computer of them all. Within the atmosphere of certain Hollywood films some of the characters use only the vast depths of their mind, their brain-power, to traverse the boundaries of time travel. The very idea excites me even as I write this now.

I would invite you to come along with me and let's explore, together,  the endless ideas that can be exhausted concerning this wonderful and controversial theme of moving through the cascade of time.

Monday, January 25, 2021

The State Of Ky Basketball

    It's certainly no secret that the year 2020 will be remembered as one of the most difficult in history. So much of our society was severely effected by the Corona virus pandemic that spread throughout the world. Here in the US it has been traumatic and many have died from it and many other's have been infected but managed to recover. All areas of society have been touched by it including the world of sports, both college and professional. 

Right here in the basketball-crazy bluegrass state our beloved UK Wildcats were on their way through a rocky season and to a berth in the NCAA tournament in which many thought they would have a deep run. Those expectations were cut short as the entire 2020 NCAA tournament was cancelled due to the pandemic. The local fan base was disappointed, along with those across the country, but we all understood. Sports had suddenly taken a back seat to this pandemic. Our priorities were instantly altered. Though we loved our Cats and wanted to see them advance in the 'big dance' this was a highly volital situation with the health of our loved ones and neighbors at risk. 

Basketball is a great game and here in the bluegrass it has few rivals but it's still just a game. Did I say that?Yes, I did. The virus has infected entire teams in many sports and games have been cancelled and continue to be. It's a small thing to reschedule games but it's secondary to our way of life. Our love for sports will unlikely change and that's ok but caring for our loved ones should never change.

With all of that being said I would like to address another area of concern for me as a basketball fan and UK Wildcat officianado. Like many, many people here in Kentucky I have grown up as a lover of the Wildcats. From my upbringing in the 60's and 70's to the present decade I have watched, cheered, studied and critiqued the Wildcats teams. I have my all-time favorite players (too many to name) like so many other's and those players who stoled our hearts are fondly remembered. We have certainly had much to cheer about through the years. 

I do, however, have a huge objection to our current team and to the legacy of coach John Calipari. Perhaps my point of view is skewed somewhat but it just appears that since his inception as head coach of the Wildcats Calipari has recruited players that he could 'mold' into becoming NBA stars instead of building the kind of collegiate players to win championships. You can certainly object to this narrative but I believe, after taken a closer look at the last decade, you will come around to the same opinion.

I will not criticize Coach Calipari for his recruiting. He certainly has done a fantastic job, albeit through his assistants, mostly Kenny Payne, and brought great talent to the program. I do, however, question his on-court ability to coach his teams through tough games. Let's face it, the current team has lost more home games than any other team in recent history. For we diehard UK fan(atics) that's simply unacceptable. I understand that different teams face different hurdles and obstacles to learning the system here but when you bring in a fresh group of players right out of high school each year or two it is going to 'sour the recipe' for continued success, in my opinion.

We love our Wildcats and we want the kind of team-success we are used to here in the bluegrass. I admit that we are quite spoiled but when you grow up watching one of the best college basketball entities for decades you become accustomed to winning and winning 'Big'. We want championships, not NBA superstars. 

It is my hope that coach Calipari will realize what the fan-base at-large is saying and that the reason we have such high expectations each season is because we are used to it. It's normal for us and since the Covid-19 outbreak has changed everything that we call 'normal' we would just like to ask that our beloved Kentucky Wildcats get back to their winning ways and to what the fans consider as being normal. 

I dont believe that is too much to ask. It would bring a large portion of the fan-base back to the fold and could energize the entire NCAA college basketball landscape. Many of us prefer the college game over the NBA, by the way.

I will briefly touch on the objection I have with the most recent situation surrounding the Wildcats team. I do not want to linger in this subject because it is volital and one that I think has serious implications away from the game of basketball. Because of the recent Presidential election and outcome and everything that has surrounded it, the world of sports, both collegiate and pro, have become a hotbed of political stances. Many players and coaches have 'decided'to use their platform to display their displeasure with the President and the unfortunate violent outbursts of radical extremists. They have chosen to kneel at the pledge of allegiance instead of standing for its heritage. In their defiance to the nation's flag and to the freedom it represents they have shown great disrespect, despite what many think is otherwise. 

I understand that this is a very sensitive area to tred in but it needs to be said, I believe. Sports and politics should NEVER mix. Can we please bring back the 'old' standard of basketball that we all love and admire? Our nation could certainly use the familiar diversion of entertaining sports and exciting competition in the midst of the current struggles we face as a nation.

Friday, September 11, 2020

What`s Our Priority?

Its certainly not breaking news to anyone that the Corona virus has disrupted and haalted much of our daily lifestyles. This (plan)demic has caused catastrophic interruptions in the worldwide economy, not to mention the loss of lives, and still wreaks havoc on the lives of families across the globe.  

As the world governments appear to be trying to 'manage' the spread of this illness they are at the same time tightening the restrictiins upon societies everywhere. It wouod seem that the main goal is not to eradicate a severe illness but to use a (supposed) epidemic to bring about a global lockdown which serves their egostical purposes.

At first glance one could easily say that their wicked ambitions are working. There is growing civil unrest in our American cities, family breakdowns in many households, rampant divorce among couples and a rapidly increasing hatred of God and all that is considered good. The American dream has been exchanged for the American nightmare.

Dont misunderstand me, please. There is no doubt that this virus is real. It has taken many lives around the world and is still a dangerous threat to even more, but I would encourage you to look at the numbers being given. They are not accurate. If anything, they are greatly exaggerated.  The WHO and the CDC have lied to us. Their aim is to mislead in order to secure more control.

Fear is a great weapon of the enemy and he uses those who have 'dark hearts' in order to advance his wicked schemes. So many are willing participants in this game. They are blinded to spiritual things and this world-wide plague is just one of their platforms being used to deceive the populations. Sadly, so many are being led by the nose into oblivion.

As a born-again, Spirit-filled believer in Christ Jesus I am deeply aware that this scenario is a form of spiritual warfare. The devil is adamant about using sickness and disease to stifle his enemies. He often receives help from us because we ignorantly go about telling him our weaknesses. Our words give us away, just as scripture explains to us.

When the Lord Jesus came to this earth he brought healing and victory. The bible tells us in Isaiah 53 and verse 5..."by his stripes we ARE healed". We are already healed by his precious blood. That's physical healing AND spiritual.  Being saved, born from above, is great health to us. Yet we very often plead the opposite. We give the devil 'a place'. An opportunity to strike.

We are to speak life and health, not sickness and death. This practice is very foreign to the world but when we became a child of God we instintainiously became strangers and pilgrims in this world. We are the real 'weirdos' to others. We no longer belong here. That's great news, actually.

As I ponder the condition of this earth, the pandemic, the unrest and violence that has spread throughout the nation and the growing hatred to Christianity, it grieves me and I know it breaks the heart of God. He loves us ALL so much yet we turn our backs and mock him. It's a terrible indictment upon mankind. 

I am convinced, however, that with much prayer, fasting and seeking his face, we will see a great change come and a revival to our land soon. I have to believe this and I am expecting it. I pray that it starts with me and that the fire of revival will be kindled in my own heart today. 

May the Lord God help us to see the errors of our ways and humbly repent, asking his forgiveness.  We must to this or we will see our nation fall very quickly.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Can I Really Trust God?

When we are children we fully trust our parents to be our providers, our protectors and our nurturers! It comes to us 'automatically' and we don't seem to have any problems doing just that! So as adults, why does it seem to be such a difficult thing to trust God, the creator of the entire universe, with our daily lives? Why do we hesitate to give over our cares and concerns to the one who can easily handle it all and provide everything we need in the areas of health, finances (a real big area), marriage and raising our children right? Is it supposed to be so difficult? No, not at all! Especially for those who call themselves Christians, who have put their faith in the blessed word of God and in the death, burial and resurrection of his son, Jesus! Fact is, however, that we do have a hard time putting that same kind of simple, unadulterated, faith in God to take care of us, always! We may feel that there is something 'extra' that we must do in order to bring about the results we are hoping for in a given situation! We just want to "help God get things done" and feel better about the situation, whatever it may be! News flash....God doesn't need any help from us to get things done! Did that hit home for anybody? It did for me!

I have a great deal of difficulty 'letting go' and letting God take over! After all, he is in control of it all anyway! He holds our very next breath in his hand, so why am I fearful that he can take good care of my own life? It doesn't make good sense, really! Worry is a common thing among Christians, sadly! For us to worry about certain things is a contradiction against the LORD and his saving grace! It goes against his character of loving us unconditionally! When we worry about anything we are telling God that he can't take care of us! Are you serious? The Almighty God created the universe and you in his own image and, yet, you say he can't do what you can do by worrying? That borders on blasphemy, folks! It's also absurd!

The LORD did not "save" us in order to leave us alone to fend for ourselves! He has promised that he "will never leave us or forsake us" (Psalms 9:10) for any reason whatsoever! He is faithful and his love for us is a constant love! You can depend upon it! In order for our lives to be blessed and secure, we must learn that we can fully trust God! To do otherwise is disobedience and sin! God deserves much better from us!

If we are struggling today with insecurity and worry over situations that we have no control over but God does then we need to take a "self examination" and fix the problem! Here's a's a "heart problem'! It's my prayer for us all that we begin today, right away, to make the change needed to put our trust in the most High God and rest in his power to meet all of our needs!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Is It What It Seems?

  • This life we have been given is not to be squandered or to live 'half hearted'! It's meant to be lived with the fullness of discovery and adventure! God expects us to live it with lots of energy and excitement, if at all possible!  Of course God knows that we all have struggles and hardships, as does everyone we know, and he knows what our future holds for us, already!  None the less, he stills watches and 'roots' for us to make it a good life, filled with new adventures and discoveries of our own potential and that of those we meet everyday! It's not complicated at all...God wants us to win! We are born to be winners! Born to be overcomers and encouragers as well and he has equipped us to do this! This thing we call 'life' can be fascinating, curious and terrifying at the same time with situations and circumstances which are out of our control, but we are still meant to live it! For those suffering from physical illness or disease, you may question the purpose of your own life and that's certainly understandable! It's quite a different existence when one is physically disabled or ill, but you can still find your purpose, your calling! Being sick or disabled is NOT your calling and you are NOT limited in your purpose! There are things you may not be able to do, and perhaps, much you can't do, but you still matter and you can add something unique and powerful to society! There are those you can reach that someone with good health may not be able to! You can still 'live'! God isn't done with you yet! With your own, personal gifts, you can serve other's and contribute much to this life! On a spiritual and an emotional level, we are all different! There are areas of humanity that we are just now beginning to explore and to discover! Areas of the brain that we have never attempted to utilize as yet! Indeed, our brains may hold the key to much of our existence! I'm not necessarily talking about anything physcic or para-normal but on a spiritual level! After all, I am convinced that God created us and since that is my belief, I am sure that our brains are probably the most complex and technical computer in the entire world! How can we fully know it's capabilities? There must be an endless amount of new information just waiting to be unlocked within our very own brains! Perhaps the cure for every disease is waiting in the fabric of the human brain! Maybe a new technology which would allow mankind to travel the stars or inventions waiting to be discovered that would revolutionize the way we travel here on the earth or in space! It could be that the most dynamic mathematical equations are pushing their way forward inside this tiny brain, waiting to be discovered! So much is possible and much has been learned about mankind's brain that is quite exciting!  Whether you are a map-maker, a fireman, a doctor, a librarian or a writer, you have something to offer which could be the spark that lights the next 'big' thing to come in scientific or medical all discovery! No matter what we may have been told by someone who "doesn't know any better" tells you that you aren't going to amount to much, you must ignore these words! You were miraculously and wonderfully created and you have a specific 'assignment' to complete and, most likely, it has much to do with helping others! We are all here for each other, despite what we have learned by the life we have been 'made' to live!  I say 'made' because the so-called 'powers that be' have dictated to us! Those people are what I call, "life suckers" or "dream stealers", and they have no claim on our lives!  God is ready to reveal to us the plans he has made for each of us before we were even born! A perfect plan to prosper us and not to harm us (Isaiah 26:11) and he is just waiting for us to realize it! No matter what stage of life you might be in, you are ordained by the Almighty to succeed and proceed, ahead, 'full steam'! Today is the day and your journey is just beginning!

Did Timothy Alberino Just Discover The Image Of The Beast?