Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day Joy-Giving

  December of 2016 has been eventful, for sure! This is Christmas time, though, and today was really nice, warm, everyone doing well and our family together. I am sincerely grateful. To be able to return home for Christmas, my favoroite day in the whole year, and have better relationships with my wife and family members is just wonderful!

I hope that it has been the same type of day for you all. Christmas is special, afterall, because Jesus Christ is what its all about. In my family, we try to make sure this is made clear each year to our children and others. Its the best opportunity to share the gift that God gave us all...his son! What do we give to him in return? Not nearly enough, for certain! We still have great opportunities as long as there is breath in our lungs, on Christmas day and after!

There are many who are homeless and unsure where their next bit of food will come from, or if at all. We must do our part as individuals and as the church of the Lord Jesus to give our all to each one in need that God places in our paths. There is no question about it. This is our duty to God and man!

Here is the next opportunity for each of us who awake tomorrow...another chance given to spread good cheer and the gospel of Jesus Christ, the very best of all gifts men have been given throughout time!

Let the remainder of 2016 and 2017 be the time in which we make the decision to give all we can to one another and to tell as many as we can that God really does love them!

Happy 2017 my feiensa,

jeff Pendleton


Lamley Unboxing: Opening a 2017 Matchbox B Case

Friday, December 23, 2016

My Thoughts On Bigfoot, UFOs And Other Mysteries

  There is little doubt that our world has been full of strange and mysterious happenings for its entire existence! I have been heavily investigating several of the more mysterious of these, such as, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, UFOs And demonic~
activity throughout the globe. There has never been a lack of material to write about, for certain!

My interest came at a fairly young age, 14,as I was first introduced to the ufo phenomena from a tv~special at the time.My interest has only magnified since that age and my passion for the mysterious drew me in deeper than I could have guessed! I have to admit that I enjoy researching and looking heavily into each of these strange things and that research has led to many different ideas and beliefs of other's who are on the same trail as I am.

I have been blessed to meet several people who have either been involved directly or indirectly in one instance or another in these mysteries! I count a fee of these folks as friends and one close friend is Brenton Sawin who has his own YouTube channel called, "Brenton sawin mysteries to search" and he personally interviews many witnesses who have come forth with some very strange, scary and traumatic events and encounters! These sincere people often become emotional while telling their stories but they appear to be very credible witnesses, including park rangers, policemen and former military officers! Brenton works very hard on getting the interviews and putting everything together to bring the tales to a wide audience.

My association with him is one of just trying yo help him in any way I can and, hopefully, put together a book on the near future with photos and lots of scary and clear photographic evidence along with portions of each witnesses encounters! We are both very excited about the future! Look for more strange encounters with Bigfoot and even more of a creature called. "Dogman", or werewolf, if you like. I have to confess that it is the tales of these particular creatures, Dogman, which bring a twinge to my soul, not sure why. They just seem to have a more sinister behavior or attitude about them. Most reports make them appear to be huge, muscular and closely resembling a dog in the face. They are often seen walking by~pedal and with glowing, red eyes! Pretty frightening, huh?

I am  lo oking forward with excitement to the time Brenton and I can take some expeditions into the field and do some On~site reporting right here in Kentucky. It should be quite eventful!
Whatever ones interest, these reports need to be look into by reputable scientists and explorers who could cooberate these stories and help bring real and actual evidence to the masses. It is a worthy subject to put that kind of energy toward finding answers!

Whatever the future brings us, I am convinced of one thing for sure....these events will only continue and even accelerate in number as the current reports already suggest. Ufo reports have tripled in the last few years and more, clear photographic evidence has been released, usually by witnesses who have smart phones! It's going yo be a very eventful and extremely interesting 2017!

Jeff pendleton

Monday, December 19, 2016

What's Next?

  Sitting here thinking about all the wild and wacky weather across most of the U.S. has me asking the question...what's next? As of today, there has been extreme cold nd heavy snow storms through the upper mid~states and the northeastern half of the nation. Such cold that it almost defies logic! For example, the lowest temperature in North Dakodaover the last couple of days has hit an unbelievable ~55 degrees. That is unconscionable. Frost bite could occur within seconds with that kind of cold. We all know how rough the hurricane season was upon the east coast of America this fall and the massive rain falls throughout portions of Texas, Louisiana, Missippi and Colorado. The super dry weather in California, causing more wild fires and the drought~ridden mid~section states like Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana. Now that December has arrived, we can probably expect much of the same in bitter cold temps.

  If you are one who gets their news online (the fake news, so called) then you may be aware of the severe five waves of energy headed directly toward the earth, which has already effected our planet in several ways as the first two waves have hit us already, it seems. The next waves occurring later on could be cause for great concern. Many earthquakes have rattled the planet now and the scientists expect much more of the same coming in rapid~succession! Anything of a magnitude 5 or above will be a major one! The New Madrid fault line which runs through eastern Missouri and western Kentucky has been a big concern for awhile by seismologists. There, of course, is also the threat of more volcanic activity, some would say, unavoidable, in Yellowstone National Park and Mexico. It is certainly well known that around the globe each of these events have covered and will be increasing as the days and month's ahead come!

I fully expect we will see much in the way of natural castraphosies and UN~natural ones, meaning things coming upon the earth that have, either, never been seen or not been before. We are headed for a time of great chaos, I believe, and because of the hardness of man's heart, that he refuses to repent of sin, these thing's will leave many in a state of shock and unbelief! It behooves all of us to examine strongly our own lives and ask God to search our hearts for anything wicked that needs to be removed. This is very serious times for America and for the world. It is now that we humble ourselves and get ready to meet our maker, as the saying goes!

If there is anyone reading this who has never trusted Jesus to forgive you and save you, TODAY IS THE DAY! Please don't put it off any longer. We don't know when our very last moment will be. This could be your last day to be alive! I say that in love, being concerned for your salvation. Not pressuring you but begging you to repent and turn to the God who loves.

Jeff pendleton

Friday, November 25, 2016

The best Is Yet To Come

Life gets us all `down` at times, and for some, it is quite difficult to shake it off in
a quick fashion! It just doesn't work that way for them! Sometimes it can be weeks
of attempting to fake happiness for the sake of family and friends, but inside they
are coming apart at the seams! Depression is a disease but one that can be cured!
Its not just a matter of getting the right medicine but of getting the right attitude in
this life-struggle. After all, attitude is everything!

If we want to thrive and live out the dreams and passions that God has given each of
us, then we must add to the mix the one ingredient that is an absolutely a must! Its
attitude. Not just any attitude but the `right` one which matches up to your own
personality. One that exemplifies that certain gift for each individual whom God
has molded and shaped a very `personal` plan for. The wrong attitude will contort,
shift and misshape that certain plan and vision for the one who owns it! The other
guy doesn't have your personality so he or she would respond in a different way
than you to any given situation or hardship!

Becoming the person we were born to be takes much work on a moment by moment
discipline and determination that quitting is NOT an option! If we will `line up` with
the guidance we are given through the Spirit of God and do our due-diligence as need
be, we will start to see some changes to our daily lives. Our roI have direction utine may not change
much but we as an individual will experience small, inner changes at first that will
soon manifest themselves outwardly after a while. At that time, it is `full speed ahead`
and away we go! Wooooo! That last expression was a favorite of mine which I just
throw in here and there when I get excited! Like NOW!

Becoming the best version of yourself that was created by a limitless God will happen
only when your heart and will are submissive to the guiding and direction of the Holy
Spirit! We have to be willing to let the creator have his `way` in us and not to hold
tight to our own ideals and selfish ambitions! It's just that way, people!

Guess what, though? After we make that inner decision to let God do the leading and
the prompting, we are then free to become everything he has placed along the way for
us to line-up with. Every time I have done that in my own life, which has not been
nearly enough, I have seen the hand of God move upon my own heart and pull the
curtain back so I can see the light of what he is creating in me and through me after
those moments of submission. It brings great joy and true satisfaction for me and
other's take notice pretty quickly. The opposite is also true, by the way!

I choose to believe that, by faith, my life is improving and I have direction now that
I have searched for through the decades. It has not been easy at all, but very often in
this life, the best thing's are often the hardest thing's to accomplish, but it is well-worth
it. During the hard-ships and terrible events that everyone goes through in this world
it is vital to have an attitude, a thought-process, be one that envisions success and
becoming a person who is known as a 'giver'. One who gives himself away to others
is one who has a very bright and fulfilled life! There is no questioning that because
it's a principle just as the law of gravity! A physical law is dynamic and is unchanging!
If you hold an object above your head then let go of it, what happems? It falls to the ground.
Right? So the same goes for life-principles such as thoughts. Thoughts will obey you
every time because what you think is what you become!

So as 2016 nears its end, it is my hope for all who read this that each of us will have
an attitude-checkup and change where it is needed and watch our future alter. Truly,
the best of us is yet to come!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Crunch Time Is Really Ramping Up

After the events of the presidential election and Final Trump winning the center~seat at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue coming in January and all of
the hate~speech and idiotic, demonic and criminal acts immediately following,
I think we can safely say NOW is the time for revival in this land!

Those who have for the last twenty years or more to bring down this nation
and level it's freedom~loving people to the ground, have had their plans pushed back for a time and today we clearly see the evidence of their anger and their
vitriol against Trump and the boldness he displays against them. They are showing their lack of control and frustration as the people of America courageously made their voices heard!  Now, more than ever in the history of our country, we need to be united in every area of our daily existence! In our families, in our team, in our work places and, most certainly, in our church~family!

I strongly believe that God is not yet done with the United States as far as blessing and rebuilding our land to a top world power once more and along with that, a friend of the nation of Israel, in future dealings between our two
countries. Some evangelicals believe God has given them visions of Trump being used in a very similar way that King Cyrus was used to build Israel back up into a nation of blessing and provision and helped the Jews come back home. I could easily see that being the case here as well. Let's watch very closely the deeds done within the weeks to come before the new year of 2017!

Above all, it's more important now that Christians seek God's face in repentance, fasting and praying for our new President and the direction once again to be in tune with our heavenly Father. We must choose to humble ourselves before him and allow him to have his way in America and lead us once again in the path of righteousness!

Whether one agrees or not with the election of Donald Trump is mute right now and what comes next will be vital and history~making or the lack of any godly leadership here! That's a bold statement but it is very true!

It's my prayer that I can do the same in my own life on a moment~by~moment manner and stay out of the LORD'S way.

Jeff pendleton

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Do We Really Believe In Spiritual Warfare?

  I am perplexed, at times, how many Christians either ignore the spiritual world or just simply choose not to believe in things supernatural!  It's quite astonishing to me, actually, that for those Christians that I have conversed with on this subject, some from my own church, there are few who truly understand the reality and the seriousness of spiritual warfare. 

  The reasons for their doubts or fear on the supernatural are known only to them and God! They seem to accept the verses of the bible that speak about Jesus and salvation. His death, burial and even his resurrection but after those scriptural facts they will hit the brakes very quickly! This far but no further! Why is that, I wonder?
After all, the bible is a supernatural book and it reveals within it's holy script that we serve a real, supernatural God! How is that most Christians turn away from this very real fact which his word fully details in many passages of both old and new testament?

  If one would study God's word as he has told us to one would clearly see that the supernatural world is actually more `real`, if I can use that term, than the one we call normal! After all, truth is stranger than fiction and the bible is chalk full of evidence presented before groups of people, usually, which have caused many to repent of their sin and put there Faith in the living God, and those who have declared their faith in the coming messiah, Jesus! Beyond this there remain numerous passages which tell of talking donkeys, people raised from the dead, money found in fishes mouths, floating axe~heads and the manifestation of angelic beings appearing to those chosen for God's holy work.

  In trying to answer this myself, I believe I have come to the conclusion that the majority of people, Christians included, simply fear the unknown! They don't truly believe what they can't see, feel, touch or taste. It's actually a matter of faith and not one of physical evidence, though the before mentioned events were seen and felt by a great number of people! Today's society has been slowly programmed to believe that all they need to concern themselves with is that little square box which is the space they live in. Outside of the box, apart from themselves and their own problems and challenges, doesn't exist, in their perception of things!

  In Ephesians chapter 6, Paul the apostle tells us that we must "put on the full armour of God" in order to fight in this spiritual battle. We are instructed in the pieces of armour to wear and, by the way, there is none for the backside, if you get my meaning. He states that we must put on the "helmet of salvation", "the breastplate of rig righteousness", the "belt of truth", the "sword of the Spirit" by our side and the "shoes of the gospel of peace ( speaking of taking the gospel of Christ to the world) " and, finally, and maybe the most important piece of all...the "shield of faith" that we can stop the `fiery darts` or schemes of the devil!  Being clothed in this armour assures us that we can stand against the attacks of the enemy. Without daily putting on the armour, we are fodder for Satan!

  Demonic forces, fallen angels and ungodly entities are real folks! Once we come to terms with these facts, we will then be much closer to becoming a warrior for God, readied for the fight which comes, not day to day, but, moment by moment! The enemy never stops because he knows that he has but a short time to attempt to ruin God's plans, but he must surely realize that he has already lost the battle. At the moment of Christ's birth then his sacrificial death and wonderful resurrection from the grave, Satan was defeated for all time! End of story! Perhaps not quite the end of it but certainly the atoning death of our saviour, Jesus Christ, Satan's head was greatly `bruised` and yet he persists. 

    Until the moment of Jesus return to take his church home to heaven this war will continue to wage, so be ready and be clothed in the armour of the LORD folks, because the fight goes on every day and every moment we are awake or sleeping!
Have no fear, though, and put your trust in God Almighty to protect you and bless you in the battle.

Jeff pendleton

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Bulldog Attitude

Whatever you aspire to be or wherever you want to live someday,
keep within your soul a bulldog attitude.

It's crucial for success in every aspect of your life! Once a
determined bulldog gets hold of something between his very
strong teeth and jaws he does not let go!

You must do the very same in whatever place you currently
reside in your life, whether it's being an athlete, skilled in
several sports or a top salesman in a well~known supplement
company, you must be determined to obtain and keep that
bulldog persona for a success story to arise

No matter what profession you are in, even if it's one that
you seem to hate, start the day with the bulldog attitude,
strive to be the best  What you do and watch for good changes
soon come your way

This type of determination is a law just like the law of gravity,
when you hold a rock or pencil or anything else above your
head and you let go of it, what happens?, It falls to the ground 
every single time because the law of gravity is constant

So is the bulldog attitude! No matter what you do or where
you live, you have within you the makings of a great success
story and one that can be passed on to other's who anxiously
await for that certain something in their life to change for
the better and for their families best's right there.

Go get the Bulldog Attitude today

Jeff Pendleton

Monday, October 24, 2016

Seeing Is Not Believing

  All of us have heard the catch~phrase, "seeing is believing", right? I would like to refute that phrase under the guise of what belief really is! Belief is trusting and trusting comes from having a genuine faith. Not just a flimsy, insufficient faith in faith itself but a certainty that what or who you put your belief and trust it is authentic and trust~worthy! Therein lies faith in it's authentic identity. Faith isn't just some whimsical hope in obscure, religious dogma or p practice! It is definitive in it's scope and life~altering in it's reach! 

The bible tells us in Hebrews 11;1 that, "Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things NOT seen". So clearly God has said that believing doesn't come from physically seeing that thing or action we hoped to gain but it is, at it's very core, believing and trusting without seeing first! Let's be sure we don't put the cart before the horse in this matter of faith! Faith is vital to all who desire a pure change of heart and spiritual~salvation for their soul! Again, it isn't that we put our faith in the action of faith but in s person. That person is none other but Jesus the Christ, son of the living God! It was his work on the cross, the pouring out of his own, precious blood that `played` the cost for our sin! He did this for all humanity out of the greatest love and compassion that has ever existed!  All for you and for me.

Another verse of holy scripture tells us that, "for we walk by FAITH not by SIGHT". So it is clear enough that even a young child can understand and believe in the person of Jesus! We see the unseen. The eyes of faith reveal it to our hearts and our action of "receiving" that good news ( the gospel) is what brings salvation. It's not difficult to trust God's word and walk in it's truth`s. He gives each man, woman and child the same opportunity!

For anyone who may see this blog and you have had doubt or skepticism about the bible, I would just ask you to read it. The gospel of John, in the new testament, is a great place to begin! It reveals the identity, purpose and personhood of who the son of God truly is. If your a person who likes action films, the book of John is stock full and if you like mysteries, it has those as well. Most importantly it reveals that God sacrificed his own son for us so our sins would be paid for and we would be set free from that payment! Being a Christian (little Christs) is not an easy road to be on in this life but it is the RIGHT road! 

Finally, I would add that my moment of true faith in Jesus came during my teen years and I put my trust in him at that time, though, I did not live for him and really turn my life over to his very capable and caring hands until the age of 28 and then my belief in who he is began to grow. I could see through the eyes of faith that the bible is true and that I needed God to forgive me, cleanse me from sin and make me "New". Wow, what a great decision that was for me personally! It cost me nothing but it cost God his only son! He is worthy of our dedication and praise to live for him, not ourselves. We can show that dedication to Jesus by serving those around us, those in need. 

We are the lights in this dark world. Let's shine bright for Him every day we can!

Jeff pendleton

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

If God's People....

It's a direct command and a conditional plea from 2nd Chronicles chapter 7....God plainly lays out the plan for revival in this verse...."if MY people which are called by MY NAME will humble themselves and pray and seek MY face and TURN from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and HEAL their land"! It's not complicated and its not a list of religious dogma. It is a compassionate plea from the King of heaven who just happens to love his people, those who are the saved, born~again Christians!

The opposite choice will result in the opposite of repentance! This message is clearly directed to God's own people, not to those who are not his by salvation in his son, Jesus Christ! The judgement of God begins with the church, even though this portion of the bible is from the old testament. It remains the exact same for the church of the new testament! There is no respect to certain people groups than for any other. God loves all of his creation the same and he is calling out to his children, those who have accepted the free gift of salvation by faith in the work that Jesus did for each of us! That being said, it does not mean that God loves any less those who have yet to call Jesus Lord and confessed their sin to him. His grace reaches to all and leaves none abandoned!

Without true repentance we all will likewise face the toughest of judgements! Because of the holiness of God he must stay within the truths of his word and treat any with
favoritism. You and I are in the same boat, brother. I am no better than you and, likewise, neither are you better in your relation to him than me or anyone else! It's not about us, it's all about him and the great sacrifice he gave for humanity. We aren't capable of righteousness apart from the Lord and it was our own sin that put Jesus on that cross! What is up to us is a true turning away from our selfish selves, release control of our lives to him and trust that he will do all that he says. That includes the wonderful promise that God "will never leave us or forsake us"! That in itself is the cornerstone of our salvation, the icing on the cake, if you will. Being a Christian, called by his name, is a very serious thing and eternity is in the balance of our own decision to accept him or reject him! The ball's in our court on that one!

So please let me implore you today to accept his free gift of salvation through faith in the LORD Jesus and become " born of the spirit", reborn, adopted into the family of God. To reject this eternal gift is to surrender your own soul to the fires of Hell, from which there is no end, no relief....ever! Please, please don't die lost.Let the grace of God speak to your heart today! The book of Romans tells us in chapter 10...."whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be SAVED"! It's that simple, folks.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Chemtrails? What's Going On?

  Have you looked up at the sky recently? If you
Have noticed the clouds appearing different or
odd~looking you are not alone. A very interesting 
strange thing has been occurring in our skies for
quite a few years now and some have called the
weird~looking clouds of chalky mist, Chemtrails!
  These trails come from jetliners that evidently
are equipped with speakers on each wing and large
streams of chemicals are deposited across the sky in
different patterns and the streams soon spread out~
ward into larger, chalky~looking clouds, but these
are not normal clouds! There are several assumptions
about just what type of chemicals are being sprayed.
Many witnesses are now coming forth with video~
evidence of these jets and the chemstreams being
   As for the reason for spraying the skies above
with harmful and, some say, deadly chemicals is
anyone's guess. While there is video~evidence to
support this article, only those who are doing the
spraying really know the reasons for it! One thing
we do know for certain is that this is not a good
thing! There have been reports of skin~disease and
sickness caused by the Chemtrails! If this is true
that is cause for great alarm to all of humanity!
    I have personally noticed and studied these
planes and their spraying for over 7 years or so!
Over that period of time I have learned much on
the subject of Chemtrails and there effect on us
and it has brought anger to my heart! This is a
deliberate situation, in my opinion, and I strongly
believe that those who are `puppets of the dark
forces` behind the scenes are those who are greatly
responsible for this! Their intentions are sinister!
    We can speculate for weeks and months on the
"why" as to their purposes for the spraying. Some
ideas are that the Chemtrails are serving to pro~
text us from the uv rays of the Sun. Others are
that it causes weather~modification and actual
global~warming! One that I support is that the
Chemtrails are designed for weather~warfare! This
is very plausible if only for that fact of the
super power nations such as the U.S. and Russia
Have remained in a so~called cold war since the
1950s and are currently turning up the heat, if
you will! Each nation is attempting to `out man
uever the other`and these Chemtrails and weather
warfare is just the ticket to allow one or the
other to do just that!
    There is a spiritual/supernatural component
To this situation as well, in my opinion! That
is that our atmosphere is being transformed into
that which was sufficient for the intention of
allowing the fallen angels to return to the earth
and wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting hordes as
they did once before! It sounds preposterous but
it is absolutely a strong probability!
    With this being the case, the best defense
for Christians is prayer! We can and must pray
against these efforts and bind them in the holy
name of Jesus Christ! We have the power to do
this for God's glory, not for ours. It's up to
God's people to stand against spiritual attacks
and I believe these Chemtrails constitute just
such an attack! We must wake up to the efforts
of the enemy (the devil) and educate ourselves
To his plans and schemes! There can't be much
time left to do this!
    Let's stand together as believers, educate
ourselves and study God's word so that we will
be able to withstand these assaults on the
kingdom of our God!  Peace to all who read.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

UFO Agressive Behavior Increasing

  In the most recent reports on ufo activity in the United States, several I~witness videos have shown the crafts hovering quite close to buildings and other
structures in very close proximity. The videos appear to show these objects
moving oddly around and then above the structures, such as the Arch in St.Louis Missouri and nuclear facilities in New Jersey. The past couple of weeks
have seen a marked increase in these sightings and caused quite an uproar
among the residents of several U.S. cities. The aggressive behavior of the ufos
is a disturbing indicator that there could be a change in their motives. What
their motives may or may not be remains a large part of the mystery as a whole.

No one can say for certain if the ufos are a threat to our national security or
exactly what they are doing here. Many other countries are experiencing just
as many occurrences as the U.S. With today's impressive technology we are
able to gather much more evidence than in past years, though critics of the
phenomena will always find fault with any kind of evidence, whether it's on
video or a photograph! As with any mystery the bulk of reports on ufos has
been mistaken identity, but a certain percentage of these qualify as potential
unknowns and unusual flying objects! The amount of solid data being gathered
is increasing exponentially and some researchers have said that, "it's an exciting time to be a ufo~researcher!"

From the 1980s to present day, the obvious increase in sightings and reports
of these objects/craft has some in the scientific world very concerned! This is
not, however, a testament of the majority of scientists! Most scientists do not
consider this phenomena a valid topic of study. Stephen Hawking is not one
of them! Hawking is quite concerned that making contact with any `alien~
civilization` would be catastrophic for the human race! He has been very
public with his comments as well! 

The smallest amount of serious research on anyone's part will reveal the ever
increasing activity and unnerving closeness of the ufos! Are we simply being
observed or is there a much more sinister plan involved here? I am of the
opinion that we may very soon find the answer to that question in a manner
not consistent with our natural way of life! It may well be that the occupants
of these objects and governments around the world are in some sort of co~
lusion with each other, planning to enslave the human race for their own
nefarious agendas! That's just one man's opinion here, however!

In the days and weeks to come it is my intention to further my own research
on this phenomena and, hopefully, gather as much information as I can,
personally, to help bring answers to those of us who are quite concerned
with these events. Whatever the situation may be I hope to be able to once
again bring the newest and strangest occurrences to you on this blog.

I want to say a very big thank you to each one who takes the time to read
this blog. It is much appreciated!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Wondering About The Mandella Effect

  Spending lots of time recently watching different videos pertaining to
something called, "The Mandella Effect", a rather enigmatic and muster~
ious idea that more and more people are realizing that their memories
of certain events and even particular products have somehow changed.
This idea is catching on with youtubers around the globe and is making
waves with it's strange subject!
   I am withholding my own opinion on the subject for the moment but
I intend on continual study of it until I know more. I can't deny, however,
the impact this mystery is causing in the lives of so many! Whether older
or younger these people truly believe that their reality, the one they know
so well, has changed. Some of these supposed changes appear to be subtle
while a smaller amount seems to be on a larger scale! I'm not sure what it
all means but I will say, positively, that those who are effected by this
phenomena strongly believe it is happening to them!
  I have no right or cause to deny their beliefs! Whatever this is it is an
incredible occurrence and it is spreading rapidly. In my opinion, it
demands further study and requires an open mind from those who are
drawn by it's mysterious subject~matter. Could it possibly be true? What
does it mean for humanity if it is happening? At this moment there is
much speculation and far too many questions to be answered, though
questions can be good when searching out a mystery.
  Maybe the answers will be different for each person involved or maybe
it will be the same answer for all, we can only wonder right now until
more attention from the masses brings this subject to the forefront of
the daily news headlines. Whether that happens or not largely depends
on those in official government capacities to `allow` it to be publicised.
As with many other situations and secrets, the government's response
Will no doubt state something along the lines of...national security...
and thereby shut the door on this mystery as with so many others.
  Until then, we can continue to do our own research and spend a week~
end binge~watching Youtube on this current weird phenomena. I would
love some feedback from my readers on this subject, pro and con, so we
can start a discussion on it. Feel free to comment my friends.  Blessings

Thursday, August 4, 2016


More Of The Same Please

  When I posted the article on what I labled as "the Cracker Barrel movement" a few weeks ago, I
was excited and hopeful that what I described in the post and believed our society needs would be
well-received by my audience. I am sure that some who read it were pleasantly surprised and liked
the fact that there are still those who value and display good manors and an attitude of love for
others! If you haven't seen the post I would invite you to please take a look at it soon on my blog

  Obviously we are all challenged each day to show more kindness, patience and love to our
neighbors but most of us fall woefully short on a daily basis! That's embarrassing to me but it
can be changed. My own desire is to see our society return to a much more compassionate way
of interacting with one another and deal a vital blow to the current poisonous agenda rolling
through the earth, with no regard for any kind of life and especially against any who do not bow
to them and their false god! Its genocide of every one who rejects their evil doctrine.

  When my wife and I witnessed that 'attitude of gratitude' that day in our neighborhood Cracker
Barrel we could do nothing but smile and let the mood flow through us for a moment. It lingered
inside us until after we finished our meal and headed home. I have to make a personal observation
here, though. As soon as we left the parking lot that day, we were quickly ushered back into the
'real world' and that same selfish attitude which prevails among us all. Tragic, indeed! We allow
ourselves to be strongly influence by what society tells us is the way things are!

  Life matters to God! All life! He, after all, created life! There should be no doubt about that and
if anyone denies the existence of a creator-God, I invite you to take a little walk outside your
house and just look up. What you see in the sky and space should by itself be enough evidence
for you to understand that you were created, not evolved from slime or from monkeys! I digress,
though. Its much easier to believe that a loving, compassionate and gracious God chose to create
living beings and place them on a living planet in order to continue living, not dying.

  As I have stated already, our society needs help! We are sadly lacking in each of the vital areas
mentioned here! The great news is, however, we can work on each area of need on a daily basis
and, with Gods help, we can soon return to a place which will allow us to display those
wonderful attributes once again. Even more simply, we can practice these attitudes with our
family members, which seems to be the most difficult area for all of us. Fun and games time with
brother and sister, right> Are you serious?

  It takes only one person to begin the 'movement' and I have to believe that many of us will
take up the gauntlet and get this thing rolling with vigor and determination amd, who knows,
watch as the whole attitude of it begins changing us from the inside out. That's really what it's
all about, after all!

  Move on folks.

Jeff Pendleton



Scientists BAFFLED! Strange Sounds Over Cali, New Moon Mysteries & More!...

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Are We Getting Closer?

  Its not that I'm tired of writing on the subject of ufos, hardly, its only that I would really
like to see more researchers and writers be more open to the one area that they seem to jump right over every time when it comes to the possible origin of these objects and their occupants!  Most of
the researchers attention seems to be relegated to the physical and one dimensional aspect of the
reports. They often attempt to prove or disprove these accounts from that standpoint alone, not
even considering any other, plausible theory on the phenomena.

  Most notably the very real possibility that the beings occupying these craft are of a spiritual or
dimensional nature and not merely physical, living creatures which have managed to travel across
the galaxy in order to take a hard, long look at the humans here on the earth! To focus on the
theory that any 'alien' species coming to our world would have to be of a physical body and similar
intelligence is fairly absurd and borders on arrogance! Often the most obvious answer is hidden
behind prejudice and ignorance on our part. That's not a knock against us it just happens to be
true in most cases!

  It has been and will continue to be my hypothesis that the majority, if not all, of these dreadful
encounters reported over the last 60 years or more are squarely laid at the feet of spiritual forces
which have haunted our planet for thousands of years! They are jokesters, fiddling with us on a
level of demonic shenanigans which are designed to deceive as many unsuspecting souls as
possible before they are finished! It is were left to them, they would never be finished! These
entities are actors playing their diabolical roles before all of humanity, at least before those who
have had close encounters with them.

  I am strongly motivated by my faith to do all I can to reveal what these beings truly are and they
hate that! Their only wish is to stay 'masked' until that final hour when their staged performance is
set to be unleashed on humanity! At that time, I am convinced that those who are here during this
time will witness the "good cop vs bad cop" scenario and watch the entire parody played-out to
the absolute delight of their maestro, satan. This is his doing and he intends to see it through no
matter what it takes! Its my faith in Jesus Christ that has been the sole provider of the revelation
I am describing to you here.

  For the decades in which I have studied and been fascinated by the 'unknown and mysterious' I
have come to realize that much of it is relegated to the 'darker forces' at work in the universe. I
strongly believe that God has protected me and my very soul since my childhood because the
enemy set his 'sights' on me, as it were, after my ufo sighting at the age of 11. That encounter,
if I can call it that, made an everlasting impression on me and I haven't stopped searching this
mystery out since then.

  I am certain, as well, that some who read this will scoff and ridicule my stance on this matter
and that's fine. They will, however, have to understand that this is my blog and I can write
whatever I 'bloody well' please here. Please believe me, that is not animosity which I speak
with just a little bit of that 11 year old boy coming out on paper. Sorry, folks!

  Whatever you or I may conclude about the ufo phenomenon it has to be admitted from all
of us that we really don't know with 100 percent accuracy that each and every one of the
reports of unidentified flying objects are of so-called 'alien origin' or demonic. We are forced
to continue our research and let our opinions remain at bay, just as it should be until that
moment when some sort of disclosure by government and military officials is released!

  Until that time, may we all be safe and stay true to our convictions on this and all other

Jeff Pendleton

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The UFO Craze Is Ramping Up

  As  I begin this article, I have to ask for the readers patience and understanding
throughout the article because I am laboring under a bit of a disability. You see, I broke my glasses today and at this point they aren't repairable. That's a very tough place yo be in if your glasses are prescription and not just s pair of reading~glasses! Pretty hard to hold the glasses with one hand and try to type on
my tablet with the other. to do this?

  Anyway. I appreciate your patience with me. I love the writing~ process as a
whole but coming up with titles for articles each time can be somewhat challenging! That's not really the case when talking about the topic of UFOs.
In the last blog I dealt with the physical and spiritual aspects that I believe
are always part and parcel to this phenomena. I don't think there is any Sep~
eration of the two where this subject is concerned!

  In recent days across the globe, the sightings have increased exponentially!
In Europe, China, Israel and right here at home in the U.S. the month of July
alone has seen many reported sightings which have been caught on video.
Despite the fact that most of the video has been from someone's IPhone or
other smart~device dampens the quality of the videos somewhat, but the
efforts are still good in the reported cases.

  I don't know about you but it certainly seems to me that a deliberate
increase in these sightings is absolutely what we are seeing right now!
There are far too many reports in a variety of locations that we can
not simply choose to ignore them. In some of these cases, some eyewitnesses
have reported seeing the same, identical object over cities which are
miles away from each other! UFO researchers are well~aware of the
objects ability to travel great distances in only a few seconds. It's quite
incredible once we consider this.

  Why the increase in activity, though? Is there an agenda here which
these objects and their occupants, if any, are planning to unveil soon?
My readers will know how I feel about that prospect pretty quickly!
I am convinced that this agenda is indeed being played out right before
US and that within the next few months we may very well witness
the `long~time` plan be revealed to the masses across the globe!

  As I push my glasses back up onto one side of my head, a rather
cold chill runs throughout my body and I think about those who are
"in the dark", so to speak, on this entire phenomenon! The number
of those fine folks is slimming down, however, as many are being
educated about this devious and diabolical plan through many
great researchers in the field such as, Chuck Missler, Steve Quayle,
Tim Alberino, Tom Horn and L.A. Marzulli, just to name only a few
who prepare every day and attempt to open the eyes of those who
have been blinded on this subject because of ridicule, closed~
mindedness or fear that it could all be true! Whatever the reason
for their outlook on the UFO phenomena, it's most likely about to
change forever!

  These men I mentioned work tirelessly to bring their research
To the masses by way of books, articles, personal testimony and
through their YouTube channels. YouTube has been a very big
help as a method of getting the knowledge and evidence out to
an anxiously awaiting public. I believe they have done a wonderful
job at it, personally!

  I would invite the reader to check out the many videos on this
subject from each of these men and be prepared to take in tons
of information that, while it may not answer all your questions,
Will alter the way you think about UFOs! It's all good, though!

  So what should we conclude by the increased activity in our
skies? I believe it must be this...preparation and education!
If what people are witnessing and encountering is real, then
it's our duty, as the human race, to find out all we can on the
intentions and or reasons behind their infiltration of our
skies. Being uneducated on any given subject leaves one in
a very precarious place but this is a subject none of us can
afford to be lazy or apathetic about!  As one who never
liked school I can empathize with those who don't even want
To think about going back to school, but this is one subject
we all need to be `studied up` on, without a doubt!

  As Mr.Marzulli has said many times...their here, burgeoning
and not going away", and I would add that they seem to have
brought back their friends and families with them, this could
mean that we are at an apex. Something big is about to be
unleashed upon the world and now is the time for us to
realize what that really means for mankind's soul!

  Let's be diligent and determined on this my friends! Now
is the time!

Jeff Pendleton


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Revisiting UFOs And Their Activities


  I thought that this subject could be looked at again without hammering
it into the ground. For those who have read my older posts`you are used to
my ramblings and preoccupation with this subject~matter. Why not? I've
spent much of my life studying and trying to come up with some
plausible answers to it. Right now, there are still lots of questions from
witnesses and the ufo community that need to be addressed!

  One of the most asked questions concerning these things has been,
What do they want from us? Since the late 1950s there have been hundreds
of reported cattle mutalations and abduction cases that defy logic! As we are
aware, many of the abductees complain of unusual marks on their bodies,
strange smells and noises along with unexpected pregnancies which just
as suddenly vanish, as if the women were never pregnant, after many of
these reports. For most, these are very traumatic events in their lives
and they are left with very real emotional scars!

  Some researches have speculated a nightmarish scenario of alien/human hybrids and concentrated efforts by the occupants of these unidentified
craft to infiltrate family bloodlines, It seems absurd to even consider
this but there is physical evidence to back up the claims from those who
have gone through the terrible ordeals!

  And that's the biggest "red flag" for me. The emotional and physical
trauma left upon victims of these encounters is not expected behavior of
any corporeal creature which are part of God's creation! It's just that
clear to me. I am not a scientist or a doctor but I can certainly tell when
someone is in pain, whether emotional or physical, and is having some
real difficulties dealing with it!

  I have to admit, I feel anger towards those who inflict harm upon any
human beings simply for their own, twisted gain! It's not right at all
and these shenanigans need to be addressed by government officials,
police and the Christian community. Regardless of their personal
belief or unbelief in the phenomena, Christians should be educated in
every aspect of the reports of so~called alien abduction and their effects
on humans! For the spiritual implications alone are serious enough to
warrant investigation.

  It's my position that this is a spiritual matter and I have never wavored
from that position. I strongly believe all Christians should do their
homework in this matter and be prepared for `spiritual warfare` to
manifest into our physical world! This is a insidious plan of our
worst advisory, Satan or the devil! The time for lack~luster, half~
hearted Christianity is over. We must be more ready and willing now
than ever before to get involved and get educated in the battle for
men's souls! That is, after all, what this is truly all about.

  With this being said. I encourage each of you to put on your armour
and engage in the biggest, most serious war that's ever been, the war
of good vs evil. We are all on one side or the other! Let's choose today
just which side we stand on!

Jeff Pendleton


Thursday, July 21, 2016

What We Need

  My wife and I enjoyed a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel the other day and while we were sitting there waiting patiently for some delicious food to come our way, I noticed right away that the atmosphere in the place was `alive` with folks
smiling, laughing and genuinely enjoying each other's company.

  I mentioned to my wife, as I watched some people next to our table embracing one another and expressing their joy at seeing an old friend, that this kind of spirit is exactly what our world needs! There was an atmosphere of peace and
emotional healing there in that restaurant. It was very refreshing to see!

  We all know the terrible desperation and division among many in our
nation today and I have no desire to rehash any of that here. I do, however,
want to reflect on the kind of spirit that seemed to `rule the day` there in
Cracker Barrel that afternoon. There was kindness among the patrons and
lots of laughter. Patience and understanding from the waitresses and an
overall good attitude! That was such a delight to witness!

  There was a great song in the 60`s which stated,..."What the world needs now is love, sweet love", and it made a very real impression on society then and I have to believe it could do the same today. I don't recall who sung it but I have
good memories of the tune from my youth!

  What we need is love. Sounds too simple and rather naive, doesn't it? The best
things in life usually are simple and much easier than we make them out to be.
Love requires action and a determined effort to accomplish what it sets out
To do! Real love is sacrificing for the other person! That's what I saw in that
restaurant in our sleepy little town. Refreshing and as good as any desert on
the menu.

  Maybe we should start a new movement in America. We could call it, "the
Cracker Barrel movement" and give it a good push from our own neighbor~
hood and, hopefully, watch it give birth to a national revival.

  Let's join together in the same spirit and do our best to forgive those who hurt us, renew relationships and bring about the kind of society that we all have
imagined since our childhood. Not nirvana or the land of Oz but a real,
tangible, authentic society that embodies the `the Cracker Barrel` spirit and
allows other nations to model it.

  May the movement begin with us!

Jeff Pendleton


Thursday, July 14, 2016


   When anyone comes to faith in Christ that person is often accused of becoming "religious" and sometimes `fanatic`! Many of that person's family and long~time friends don't understand what has happened and they respond from
fear and anger. For them, their friend has been pulled into some cult or
scam~religion that cares about nothing except their money! While this does
happen on far too many occasions, it isn't the norm for those who have experienced a `true` conversion.

   From this point I would like to make my thoughts clear and plain. Christianity
is not a religion, in the strictest sense of the word! No, it is more a relationship
with the historical and proclaimed `man~God`, Jesus Christ!  In a singular
definition the word "Christian" means, "Christ~follower" or "little Christ's". It
identifies a convert with his redeemer, Jesus THE Christ!

   At the beginning of my own testimony of becoming a Christian, I can
remember taunts of being `religious` coming against me and some of my
friends accused me of turning my back on them and suddenly adopting
a "goody too shoes" (not sure of the spelling there) attitude.  They were angry
and hurt by my change and, really, I could understand their feelings. When
you grow up with someone, you think you know all about them and all of a
sudden, without warning, they change! It's a difficult situation for some to

   Today, Christianity is the most persecuted of all religions! That's a fact in
the majority of the world!  While other religions suffer little or no persecution,
Christianity is condemned throughout the middle~east, Asia and Europe with
very harsh attacks even against women and children! Most of these cruel
attacks come from the hands of the terrorist group, Isis or Isil. Their visious
onslaught to wipe out all Christians and Jews is at an all time high today!

   We should not be surprised by this persecution. however, because Jesus himself warned us about it during his ministry here on the earth. If you are a believer in the "good book", the bible, you can clearly see that God has
forewarned us of what was to come in the `last days`. Among many strange and unusual events there will be a great increase in religious~persecution! It's
happening right in front of us and there are no signs of it slowing down or
subsiding any time soon. We must be prepared and watchful!

   While this news may not be encouraging, we can hold our heads high and
have the attitude of joy and gratitude, however. The way we do it is by sharing our faith and treating others with the respect, love and compassion that Jesus did to each and every person in his short life! The persecutors may be able to
take our life but they can never take our joy! That fact will go much farther
than taking up arms against our enemies, though that is sometimes needed!

   So today, we can walk through life with the "joy that passes all understanding"
and remember what it means to be called a Christian. The one we serve is
the best example anywhere of a true hero and a true man! They may hate him
but he loves them and wants them in his family. It's up to us to be the `little
Christ's` that we are called to be and give them the `good news` that they
don't even know about yet. It's all about Jesus!

   Today could be our last chance to tell them.

Jeff Pendleton


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Ufos Everywhere, It Seems

   Just thinking about the most recent reports of ufos from different parts of the world and researching the accounts from lots of videos on You Tube and from
different websites, I am convinced that this phenomena is increasing at a rapid rate!

   This statement won't come as a surprise to some but it may cause others to
wonder why the reports of these objects has increased so much. Regardless whether one believes in the if I phenomena or not leaves very little room to debate the recent increase in sightings! They are here and don't seem to be
going away any time soon.

   My personal position on the subject shouldn't have any barring on the fact
of the reports. As a matter of fact, I strongly believe that there is a definite
event going on right in front of us and there is not much we can do about it!
I came to my conclusion many years ago during my childhood after seeing something that looked normal but, seemingly, was not in the end! That event
left me with an insatiable curiosity on these objects and more specifically
on the `unknown`.

   The last several decades have seen an enormous increase in ufo sightings
and the accounts of supposed alien abduction! You would have to have been
living under a rock somewhere not to have realized this. From the 1960s on
through the 1990s the phenomenon took on a more intense and bizarre
posture! Many reports of being abducted from sleep, torturerd and even
women being impregnated and then, suddenly, not pregnant are just some
of the most disturbing of these reports!

   As I have written before, I believe, from a spiritual worldview, that the
majority of these occurrences are from a spiritual nature, that being a dem~
sonic nature! I realize that this statement will rub some people the wrong
way but I believe my reasoning behind this position will bare itself out
as the reader can discover from my more recent blogs.

   These things, if I can call them that, are very real! That's a dogmatic state~
ment I know but it comes from much research and testimony of those
who are considered knowledgeable in the field and from the people
who have had the occurrences.

   Looking ahead, I don't see a decrease in these events but a dramatic up~
tick in them and, soon after, a very clear and deceptive disclosure of sorts!
I am expecting the government's around the world to come forth with
the news that, in my opinion, they have known for many years and
they will try to pass it off as a brand new revelation. That disclosure will
be that we have been visited from alien species and they are, in fact, here
among us today!

   What will their purpose be for such a disclosure? Will it be to encourage
US that we aren't alone and that these aliens are here for only goodwill
purposes or to add the earth to a galactic~neighborhood filled with many
technically advanced civilizations, sort of like a real Star Trek? We can
guess as to the reasons but knowing how most world government's are, including our own here in the U.S., it seems very doubtful that goodwill
toward men is their intention!

   Whatever comes of this phenomena in the next few months and perhaps
years, we can be sure of one thing...there is absolutely proof that ufos are
real and not going away, as my friend L.A.Marzulli often states!

   Until that disclosure comes, I would encourage each of you to seek God
on this strange subject and ask for wisdom. The future is uncertain but
I am confident that God has it all under control and that he does not
want anyone to be deceived!

Jeff Pendleton


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

My Opinion Doesn't Mean Much

   We engage in conversations every day with people from different walks in life! It really doesn't matter which one of us begins the conversation just as long as both are taking part in it. One does most of the talking while the other does the listening. At least, that's the way it works in our own minds, right?

   But the reality of most conversations is the fact the both parties, and in some cases groups of people, attempt to drive the conversation towards themselves. That's just the way human behavior goes! We are all self~promoters. We want to talk about `us`! Human history is full of self~promoters and today's society is certainly no different. There hasn't been much in the way of progression to a more selfless society! After all, we have to make time for that `selfie` moment, don't we?

   What is most often overlooked is the notion that the other person really doesn't care about your life and the events of it. They aren't required to. If you are guided by a biblical worldview, then that part of listening falls upon you and me!  We are the ones who need to show great interest in what the other is
saying and expressing. This may tug at our freshly nature but it isn't hard to

   That old saying comes to mind, and I have quoted it on numerous occasions, ..people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care!..It's plain and simple. The best things in life usually are! That axiom is
both powerful and liberating, if it is applied it can help bring about better
relationships for all of us.

   So the question becomes, do we care enough to make a change and thereby
make a difference? To engage in a two~sided conversation is far better than
being in a totally one~sided one! When we are `trapped` in a lopsided conversation we stop listening after a while. Right?

   Whatever the day brings in the way of meeting with someone and taking part in a meaningful conversation, making a conscious effort to listen twice as much as we talk usually brings a greater respect from the other person and can end up making a friend where there wasn't one before! This concept really is liberating when we decide to do it!

   Remember, we have two ears and only one mouth. What does that say to us?



Saturday, July 2, 2016


   From every direction they come,
   To spoil and deflate the life from
   each one,

   Anguish and pain with fierce speed
   aiming to destroy and sneering as
   we freely bleed,

   Baring teeth like razor blades, with
   heavy breath and a spirit of fear
   against those of us who believe,

   The battle is set in array, not to be fought
   on the `morrow, no, but for today,
   To ensnare and enslave, striking
   high and low, the await, these
   bringers of toil and folly,

   Ah but for those who are bought
   by the precious blood of Christ, we
   bare his seal. from death to life,

   Their efforts do not succeed, their
   abominable games are withered
   and vanish away, like the dust of
   the earth, futile, impotent, no seed
   To bare,

   We rise from the ashes of our
   trouble and now we see what awaits,
   victory and relief, hope and belief,
   in his presence so sweet, we bow,

   Despite the struggles, we now bend
   our knees, acknowledging his hand
   in meeting our needs,

   He grants us compassion and grace
   is his best, to us he calls and whispers
   gently.....just rest.

   Rest my child, you are weak but I
   am strong, you need not strive
   or stand alone, trust in me and....
   just rest.


Saturday, June 18, 2016

If I Saw A Real Dogman

   The supernatural and the paranormal have both been very prolific subjects in my life for several decades!  The attraction to both began in me as a young teenager. I'm not real sure if the original attraction started by watching too many horror shows on tv but that was probably a catalyst for my
interest, though I am convinced it wasn't the main source. Most likely it came from encountering
something unexplained to me when I was about 11 years old!

   I have actually described before in earlier posts the incident that my brother and I had just after
dark on one of the streets in our neighborhood during the summer. We were walking around the
neighborhood, near some railroad tracks on a slight hill just above us on a hill. Throwing rocks, picking up sticks and pretty much trying to enjoy the last minutes of freedom before we had to go in the house.

   Right before we would hear the familiar whistle from our dad standing in the front door calling for us to come home, we were amazed to see what we thought was a falling star. A normal sight for our
area in the summer time and yet we never got tired of seeing this spectacle. This one was different,
however, as it streamed from the right side of the sky and shot toward the left side, its tail full and
sparkling. At the point it came just in front of us, suddenly, it came to a quick stop and sunk to the
ground in a vertical line. It actually appeared to be under some kind of control and it 'landed', if
you will, in a distant field, or so it seemed.

   what did we just see, I am sure we asked each other? We probably stood for only another couple of minutes but I am not sure. Our memories seem to stop after the thing went straight to the ground.
I have no recollection of getting back home before dad whistled again, something we did not want to happen, or how long it was until we got there. I only remember with clarity what I saw and I think
my brother will remember it too. It certainly looked like a falling star but its actions were not
normal for one!

   From that time until today, I have been fascinated with the paranormal, mostly in the area of ufo
studies, and also in the fields of what today is labeled as cryptids. The legend of Bigfoot, the mystery
of the Lochness Monster and werewolves, or Dogmen! These things are still mocked and scoffed at
by most people today but the number of reported encounters and sightings continues to increase!

   It is my intention to continue in my studies and to try my best to reveal the truth about these
mysterious subjects, whether that means proving their reality or their myth..We shall see which
one turns out to be the answer.

   I know full well what my belief is about them and I look forward to the exploration and
the compiling of information in our searches of the unknown.

jeff Pendleton

Thursday, June 16, 2016

World gone crazy, ufo's, ghosts' and demonic activity


   Some friends and I have recently been talking about the condition of this world with all the
strange and absolutely evil happenings going on almost daily. We have wondered just how much worse it can get and how crazy the events may become before it all ends! Thinking about the horrible terrorist attacks in Orlando, Florida and South Carolina this past week, along with the tragic deaths of two very young children as well brings  the reality of the sinful place we all live in into clear view!

   We further discussed the rather unnatural weather anomalies throughout the globe, consisting of severe flooding and straight-line winds to wicked thunderstorms and tornados from north to south, accompanied by large hail the size of softballs. Just unreal events that appear to be multiplying and
becoming more intense with each passing day!

   Whatever a persons religious affiliation might be or their view on anything supernatural, it can not be denied that we are in the middle of some very strange and bizarre times that can shake a person to the core of their being! Even the most dedicated of clergy has to take notice with eyes wide open that
something really scary is going on. It feels like the demons are running wild, having their way right now and that they are 'ramping up' their activities!

   Taking a scientific view of the events, one could say that the earth is just changing and because of
the coronal ejections from the sun, we are seeing a rise in volcanic activity and earthquake events. This could certainly be true and probably has , at least, a part in the cause of these occurences, but
does not explain the mass deaths of animals, birds and fish throughout the world and the mysterious
ufo reports and unexplained happenings. Logic alone does not offer the answer we seem to need
about all of this strangeness!

   Adding to the so-called natural patterns multiple encounters with the supernatural such as, ghostly
apparitions, terrifying encounters with cryptids like Sasquatch and werewolf-type creatures along with many reports of very strange vibrating sounds and ominous rumblings from both the sky and the earth, it would be easy to think your watching a horror or sci-fi movie. It might be soothing to the heart if it were 'just a movie', but its not.

   As one who doesn't watch the mainline news shows, I tend to run toward the online news sites
that I believe deliver real, unadulterated reports and don't mask the truth of what is really going on
in order to get my perspective. My Christian faith provides the clarity I need for any situation,
however bizarre it might be!

   I understand that some will read this and scoff at such 'weirdo stuff' and others will take it in stride, not leaning one way or another while raising their eye-lids just a bit. Its all quite a bit to 'take in' and
much of this could be labeled as coincidence or 'made up' but I have to believe that the majority of
what is happening in this world is by design and by divine appointment. You are free to believe what
you will and I can hear you say,.."you got that right!" I will stop there.

   High strangeness in what has been biblically referred to as, "the end times", without a doubt, in my opinion and we can probably expect much more to come. Preparation is advised and prayer is what is needed if we are to withstand what is coming!  Be safe and blessed wherever you are.

jeff Pendleton


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

God Really Does Care

   One of the most asked questions in society is..."does God really care about me?" The question has been asked by humankind in all corners of the globe for centuries! Our lives are filled with one problem after another and troubles on every side. We were never promised that this life was going to be a 'cake-walk', a walk in the garden every day and come out smelling like roses. Those same roses have thorns, as we all know, and they hurt! For many people, their own difficulties begin to mount up around them until they feel suffocated and are overwhelmed. Most will turn to the bottle or to hard drugs in order to find some relief. Sadly, they only ad more trouble to their life and to the lives of their families This road will always lead to destruction, folks!

   For those of us who are called Christians, troubles and difficulties don't give us any 'special treatment' just because that label is put upon us! No, not in any form or fashion! Tough times come to the door-step of all human beings, regardless of who we are or what we are identified with. There is no immunity in the 'game of life'. We all have to play our part and, unfortunately, troubles are
written in the script.

   Why is that, though? Why cant we once again live in that grand, beautiful "garden of eden"? Where did we go wrong? Adam and Eve got to live there so why not us, you might ask? The clear and exact answer is one most of us don't like hearing!  Its called, original SIN! Not a great sounding word is it? Nothing beautiful or attractive about those three letters at all! SIN...yuk!  Sure, Adam and Eve had it made for so long and then they failed. They gave into the temptation from the serpent. They lost their authority in that garden! The question is answered in that word SIN because their failure to obey God was then passed down the line to every one of us. Its in our blood!

   So knowing this, now, what do we do about it? How can we be sure that God has any compassion or even wants to hear from us? Does he care about people anymore?  Without a doubt, God most certainly cares for everyone of us who live on this planet that he created! A simple glance at the cross on which Jesus, the Son of God, died and payed-in full our debt-of-sin (because we owed that debt from the beginning) and then three days later, this same Jesus gloriously-rose from the dead and is right now sitting at the right hand of God to pray for us and show us the way home!

   So whether we face illness, bankruptcy, the death of someone we love or betrayal, through all of it, God does care and he wants to help. Don't think of him as a giant bully in the heavens waiting to bash you over the head with a big stick every time you mess up. That's not who he is! He not only cares about you, but he has special plans for your life that would probably cause you to pass-out if you knew them.

   Our God is a merciful God and he is the very best friend any of us could ask for! He's just plain AWESOME, baby! If you have come to God, realizing your 'original sin' and the debt you owed, and put your trust in what Jesus did, then you can claim God as your Father. If you haven't done that yet, please, please don't wait any longer. You are NOT promised another day. Be humble and tell God you need him, then simply trust Jesus to forgive and save you...its just that simple.

   If any one wants to read how much God cares for us, I suggest going to 1st Peter 5;7 in the bible and you will then see that not only does God care but he absolutely cares for, Y O U!

Get excited, folks..he is coming real soon to take us home. and I just hve to sy one thing about that....woooooooooo!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

My Liftetime Of Collecting

One of the best and most satisfying memories I have of my childhood comes from the time I began collecting!  Around the tender age of 12 I 'caught the collecting bug', as it were, and the adventure was on. I spent many days after school and on Saturdays developing my hobby and amassing a sizeable collection of trading cards, diecast cars like Hot Wheels and Matchbox, train-sets and comic books. It was a passion for me from that time until now and remains just as vibrant a hobby in my middle-age as it ever was back then.

The enthusiasm for my hobby developed from watching my dad bring home items almost every day which he affectionately called "sidewalk specials" from the early morning paper route which was a second source of income for him. Dad was always a very hard worker and for nearly 30 years he
faithfully supported his family by working 2 jobs until he couldn't do it any longer because of fading health.

Living in the 70's there was quite a different atmosphere throughout society than that of today. As kids we could come home from school, report to mom, and then stay outside until just before dark. No fears of being kidnapped, no worries about some 'weirdo' lurking about, scoping out the neighborhood. We had an immense amount of freedom! It was the kind of freedom that most kids of that time-period took for granted. We were way too busy using our imaginations and having loads of fun! Wow, what a time to be a kid!

Watching my dad bring home some great treasures and other pieces that were probably questionable, to us anyway, I took this collecting thing to the next level.  Knowing that my parents were born during the latter years of the 'great depression era', it was most likely the fact that he didn't have much while growing up, my dad collected things that caught his eye and he knew he could use. I respected that and learned from it. Dad was a great 'picker'!

For me today, the fun and excitement is primarily in 'the hunt'!  What great fun it is to search for a certain comic book or hit the stores to score that Treasure Hunt Hot Wheel. I get so jacked up in the act of hunting that I often find myself getting a little too excited while other people are around. I have gotten some stares and rolling of the eyes on a few occasions. Maybe I'm crazy but its cool.

I believe I can 'safely' say that my collection has grown to the point of needing more space to store it. I hear that same story from fellow-collectors and in some cases some "not so happy remarks from wives" who often wonder just what their husband finds so appealing in his, All I can say is, for me, its a source of relief. You could call it, a 'release valve'. That doesn't always boil the water in my wife's case! Moving on!

Whether its books, trading cards, cars or stamps, whatever your passion is for the hobby of collecting or picking, count yourself blessed and be thankful that God put inside you a 'fire' and a 'drive' for something and, while God is all for us having fun, he also expects us to take that same passion and gear it towards helping others and encouraging them to "seek him out" and find the most exciting and lasting treasure of them all!  You may quote me on that as well.

Until next blog...have fun folks and let your passion show through.  Woooooooooo!


Thursday, May 19, 2016

  It's no secret that we live in a world full of heartache, trouble and rejection! I Don't think any of us find that statement particularly surprising. Unless a person has been hiding under a rock or living underground, they are fully aware of their own difficulties! What's the solution to the struggles we all face? How can any of us feel like we can overcomer and confident in defeating these maladies?  I believe the answer for any of us comes through a dynamic faith! Not faith in the action of faith but a true, no doubt about it, kind of belief. We tackle the situation with the assurance that the outcome is pre~determined and we are the victors. A dynamic faith sees the end result before it actually happens and directs our steps toward that result! This type of faith comes only through God almighty! What I'm referring to is not a system of human feelings or anecdotes or some uforic feeling. What I mean to say is simply's a total and unwavering belief that what God has said in his word is exactly what he means to say and his promises are rock~solid. We take his word at face value and believe. That's it! Pretty simple, huh? For all our troubles and fears in this short life we have only one, true resource to cling to! God himself! And guess what. He is all we need! How does any of us acquire this faith? It's all there in the pages of scripture. From front to back, Genesis to Revelation, true faith is revealed and there for us to realize. It's that dynamic belief. That know~so belief and it will work for anyone who seeks it with a sincere heart! If your a person who does not enjoy reading, I would suggest listening to an audio version of the bible. Maybe your a `visual`learning but don't read much. Reading in short spurts could be right for you. To the man or woman who devours books like their next meal, I would remind you, kindly, that the bible is not just another book! It's words are holy~inspired by God himself through the ready~pin of ordinary men. There are many "self help" books available if you want to gain confidence, change your attitude or learn how to speak before an audience but none holds the answers to true and honest faith that the bible gives! It's just that plain folks! You won't find the life~altering, attitude~changing belief system anywhere else! So with that being said, I am hoping that this post will be encouraging to you and will help take that first step toward a dynamic faith that will forever make you the person you were designed to be!