Monday, October 24, 2016

Seeing Is Not Believing

  All of us have heard the catch~phrase, "seeing is believing", right? I would like to refute that phrase under the guise of what belief really is! Belief is trusting and trusting comes from having a genuine faith. Not just a flimsy, insufficient faith in faith itself but a certainty that what or who you put your belief and trust it is authentic and trust~worthy! Therein lies faith in it's authentic identity. Faith isn't just some whimsical hope in obscure, religious dogma or p practice! It is definitive in it's scope and life~altering in it's reach! 

The bible tells us in Hebrews 11;1 that, "Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things NOT seen". So clearly God has said that believing doesn't come from physically seeing that thing or action we hoped to gain but it is, at it's very core, believing and trusting without seeing first! Let's be sure we don't put the cart before the horse in this matter of faith! Faith is vital to all who desire a pure change of heart and spiritual~salvation for their soul! Again, it isn't that we put our faith in the action of faith but in s person. That person is none other but Jesus the Christ, son of the living God! It was his work on the cross, the pouring out of his own, precious blood that `played` the cost for our sin! He did this for all humanity out of the greatest love and compassion that has ever existed!  All for you and for me.

Another verse of holy scripture tells us that, "for we walk by FAITH not by SIGHT". So it is clear enough that even a young child can understand and believe in the person of Jesus! We see the unseen. The eyes of faith reveal it to our hearts and our action of "receiving" that good news ( the gospel) is what brings salvation. It's not difficult to trust God's word and walk in it's truth`s. He gives each man, woman and child the same opportunity!

For anyone who may see this blog and you have had doubt or skepticism about the bible, I would just ask you to read it. The gospel of John, in the new testament, is a great place to begin! It reveals the identity, purpose and personhood of who the son of God truly is. If your a person who likes action films, the book of John is stock full and if you like mysteries, it has those as well. Most importantly it reveals that God sacrificed his own son for us so our sins would be paid for and we would be set free from that payment! Being a Christian (little Christs) is not an easy road to be on in this life but it is the RIGHT road! 

Finally, I would add that my moment of true faith in Jesus came during my teen years and I put my trust in him at that time, though, I did not live for him and really turn my life over to his very capable and caring hands until the age of 28 and then my belief in who he is began to grow. I could see through the eyes of faith that the bible is true and that I needed God to forgive me, cleanse me from sin and make me "New". Wow, what a great decision that was for me personally! It cost me nothing but it cost God his only son! He is worthy of our dedication and praise to live for him, not ourselves. We can show that dedication to Jesus by serving those around us, those in need. 

We are the lights in this dark world. Let's shine bright for Him every day we can!

Jeff pendleton

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