Sunday, July 31, 2016

The UFO Craze Is Ramping Up

  As  I begin this article, I have to ask for the readers patience and understanding
throughout the article because I am laboring under a bit of a disability. You see, I broke my glasses today and at this point they aren't repairable. That's a very tough place yo be in if your glasses are prescription and not just s pair of reading~glasses! Pretty hard to hold the glasses with one hand and try to type on
my tablet with the other. to do this?

  Anyway. I appreciate your patience with me. I love the writing~ process as a
whole but coming up with titles for articles each time can be somewhat challenging! That's not really the case when talking about the topic of UFOs.
In the last blog I dealt with the physical and spiritual aspects that I believe
are always part and parcel to this phenomena. I don't think there is any Sep~
eration of the two where this subject is concerned!

  In recent days across the globe, the sightings have increased exponentially!
In Europe, China, Israel and right here at home in the U.S. the month of July
alone has seen many reported sightings which have been caught on video.
Despite the fact that most of the video has been from someone's IPhone or
other smart~device dampens the quality of the videos somewhat, but the
efforts are still good in the reported cases.

  I don't know about you but it certainly seems to me that a deliberate
increase in these sightings is absolutely what we are seeing right now!
There are far too many reports in a variety of locations that we can
not simply choose to ignore them. In some of these cases, some eyewitnesses
have reported seeing the same, identical object over cities which are
miles away from each other! UFO researchers are well~aware of the
objects ability to travel great distances in only a few seconds. It's quite
incredible once we consider this.

  Why the increase in activity, though? Is there an agenda here which
these objects and their occupants, if any, are planning to unveil soon?
My readers will know how I feel about that prospect pretty quickly!
I am convinced that this agenda is indeed being played out right before
US and that within the next few months we may very well witness
the `long~time` plan be revealed to the masses across the globe!

  As I push my glasses back up onto one side of my head, a rather
cold chill runs throughout my body and I think about those who are
"in the dark", so to speak, on this entire phenomenon! The number
of those fine folks is slimming down, however, as many are being
educated about this devious and diabolical plan through many
great researchers in the field such as, Chuck Missler, Steve Quayle,
Tim Alberino, Tom Horn and L.A. Marzulli, just to name only a few
who prepare every day and attempt to open the eyes of those who
have been blinded on this subject because of ridicule, closed~
mindedness or fear that it could all be true! Whatever the reason
for their outlook on the UFO phenomena, it's most likely about to
change forever!

  These men I mentioned work tirelessly to bring their research
To the masses by way of books, articles, personal testimony and
through their YouTube channels. YouTube has been a very big
help as a method of getting the knowledge and evidence out to
an anxiously awaiting public. I believe they have done a wonderful
job at it, personally!

  I would invite the reader to check out the many videos on this
subject from each of these men and be prepared to take in tons
of information that, while it may not answer all your questions,
Will alter the way you think about UFOs! It's all good, though!

  So what should we conclude by the increased activity in our
skies? I believe it must be this...preparation and education!
If what people are witnessing and encountering is real, then
it's our duty, as the human race, to find out all we can on the
intentions and or reasons behind their infiltration of our
skies. Being uneducated on any given subject leaves one in
a very precarious place but this is a subject none of us can
afford to be lazy or apathetic about!  As one who never
liked school I can empathize with those who don't even want
To think about going back to school, but this is one subject
we all need to be `studied up` on, without a doubt!

  As Mr.Marzulli has said many times...their here, burgeoning
and not going away", and I would add that they seem to have
brought back their friends and families with them, this could
mean that we are at an apex. Something big is about to be
unleashed upon the world and now is the time for us to
realize what that really means for mankind's soul!

  Let's be diligent and determined on this my friends! Now
is the time!

Jeff Pendleton


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Revisiting UFOs And Their Activities


  I thought that this subject could be looked at again without hammering
it into the ground. For those who have read my older posts`you are used to
my ramblings and preoccupation with this subject~matter. Why not? I've
spent much of my life studying and trying to come up with some
plausible answers to it. Right now, there are still lots of questions from
witnesses and the ufo community that need to be addressed!

  One of the most asked questions concerning these things has been,
What do they want from us? Since the late 1950s there have been hundreds
of reported cattle mutalations and abduction cases that defy logic! As we are
aware, many of the abductees complain of unusual marks on their bodies,
strange smells and noises along with unexpected pregnancies which just
as suddenly vanish, as if the women were never pregnant, after many of
these reports. For most, these are very traumatic events in their lives
and they are left with very real emotional scars!

  Some researches have speculated a nightmarish scenario of alien/human hybrids and concentrated efforts by the occupants of these unidentified
craft to infiltrate family bloodlines, It seems absurd to even consider
this but there is physical evidence to back up the claims from those who
have gone through the terrible ordeals!

  And that's the biggest "red flag" for me. The emotional and physical
trauma left upon victims of these encounters is not expected behavior of
any corporeal creature which are part of God's creation! It's just that
clear to me. I am not a scientist or a doctor but I can certainly tell when
someone is in pain, whether emotional or physical, and is having some
real difficulties dealing with it!

  I have to admit, I feel anger towards those who inflict harm upon any
human beings simply for their own, twisted gain! It's not right at all
and these shenanigans need to be addressed by government officials,
police and the Christian community. Regardless of their personal
belief or unbelief in the phenomena, Christians should be educated in
every aspect of the reports of so~called alien abduction and their effects
on humans! For the spiritual implications alone are serious enough to
warrant investigation.

  It's my position that this is a spiritual matter and I have never wavored
from that position. I strongly believe all Christians should do their
homework in this matter and be prepared for `spiritual warfare` to
manifest into our physical world! This is a insidious plan of our
worst advisory, Satan or the devil! The time for lack~luster, half~
hearted Christianity is over. We must be more ready and willing now
than ever before to get involved and get educated in the battle for
men's souls! That is, after all, what this is truly all about.

  With this being said. I encourage each of you to put on your armour
and engage in the biggest, most serious war that's ever been, the war
of good vs evil. We are all on one side or the other! Let's choose today
just which side we stand on!

Jeff Pendleton


Thursday, July 21, 2016

What We Need

  My wife and I enjoyed a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel the other day and while we were sitting there waiting patiently for some delicious food to come our way, I noticed right away that the atmosphere in the place was `alive` with folks
smiling, laughing and genuinely enjoying each other's company.

  I mentioned to my wife, as I watched some people next to our table embracing one another and expressing their joy at seeing an old friend, that this kind of spirit is exactly what our world needs! There was an atmosphere of peace and
emotional healing there in that restaurant. It was very refreshing to see!

  We all know the terrible desperation and division among many in our
nation today and I have no desire to rehash any of that here. I do, however,
want to reflect on the kind of spirit that seemed to `rule the day` there in
Cracker Barrel that afternoon. There was kindness among the patrons and
lots of laughter. Patience and understanding from the waitresses and an
overall good attitude! That was such a delight to witness!

  There was a great song in the 60`s which stated,..."What the world needs now is love, sweet love", and it made a very real impression on society then and I have to believe it could do the same today. I don't recall who sung it but I have
good memories of the tune from my youth!

  What we need is love. Sounds too simple and rather naive, doesn't it? The best
things in life usually are simple and much easier than we make them out to be.
Love requires action and a determined effort to accomplish what it sets out
To do! Real love is sacrificing for the other person! That's what I saw in that
restaurant in our sleepy little town. Refreshing and as good as any desert on
the menu.

  Maybe we should start a new movement in America. We could call it, "the
Cracker Barrel movement" and give it a good push from our own neighbor~
hood and, hopefully, watch it give birth to a national revival.

  Let's join together in the same spirit and do our best to forgive those who hurt us, renew relationships and bring about the kind of society that we all have
imagined since our childhood. Not nirvana or the land of Oz but a real,
tangible, authentic society that embodies the `the Cracker Barrel` spirit and
allows other nations to model it.

  May the movement begin with us!

Jeff Pendleton


Thursday, July 14, 2016


   When anyone comes to faith in Christ that person is often accused of becoming "religious" and sometimes `fanatic`! Many of that person's family and long~time friends don't understand what has happened and they respond from
fear and anger. For them, their friend has been pulled into some cult or
scam~religion that cares about nothing except their money! While this does
happen on far too many occasions, it isn't the norm for those who have experienced a `true` conversion.

   From this point I would like to make my thoughts clear and plain. Christianity
is not a religion, in the strictest sense of the word! No, it is more a relationship
with the historical and proclaimed `man~God`, Jesus Christ!  In a singular
definition the word "Christian" means, "Christ~follower" or "little Christ's". It
identifies a convert with his redeemer, Jesus THE Christ!

   At the beginning of my own testimony of becoming a Christian, I can
remember taunts of being `religious` coming against me and some of my
friends accused me of turning my back on them and suddenly adopting
a "goody too shoes" (not sure of the spelling there) attitude.  They were angry
and hurt by my change and, really, I could understand their feelings. When
you grow up with someone, you think you know all about them and all of a
sudden, without warning, they change! It's a difficult situation for some to

   Today, Christianity is the most persecuted of all religions! That's a fact in
the majority of the world!  While other religions suffer little or no persecution,
Christianity is condemned throughout the middle~east, Asia and Europe with
very harsh attacks even against women and children! Most of these cruel
attacks come from the hands of the terrorist group, Isis or Isil. Their visious
onslaught to wipe out all Christians and Jews is at an all time high today!

   We should not be surprised by this persecution. however, because Jesus himself warned us about it during his ministry here on the earth. If you are a believer in the "good book", the bible, you can clearly see that God has
forewarned us of what was to come in the `last days`. Among many strange and unusual events there will be a great increase in religious~persecution! It's
happening right in front of us and there are no signs of it slowing down or
subsiding any time soon. We must be prepared and watchful!

   While this news may not be encouraging, we can hold our heads high and
have the attitude of joy and gratitude, however. The way we do it is by sharing our faith and treating others with the respect, love and compassion that Jesus did to each and every person in his short life! The persecutors may be able to
take our life but they can never take our joy! That fact will go much farther
than taking up arms against our enemies, though that is sometimes needed!

   So today, we can walk through life with the "joy that passes all understanding"
and remember what it means to be called a Christian. The one we serve is
the best example anywhere of a true hero and a true man! They may hate him
but he loves them and wants them in his family. It's up to us to be the `little
Christ's` that we are called to be and give them the `good news` that they
don't even know about yet. It's all about Jesus!

   Today could be our last chance to tell them.

Jeff Pendleton


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Ufos Everywhere, It Seems

   Just thinking about the most recent reports of ufos from different parts of the world and researching the accounts from lots of videos on You Tube and from
different websites, I am convinced that this phenomena is increasing at a rapid rate!

   This statement won't come as a surprise to some but it may cause others to
wonder why the reports of these objects has increased so much. Regardless whether one believes in the if I phenomena or not leaves very little room to debate the recent increase in sightings! They are here and don't seem to be
going away any time soon.

   My personal position on the subject shouldn't have any barring on the fact
of the reports. As a matter of fact, I strongly believe that there is a definite
event going on right in front of us and there is not much we can do about it!
I came to my conclusion many years ago during my childhood after seeing something that looked normal but, seemingly, was not in the end! That event
left me with an insatiable curiosity on these objects and more specifically
on the `unknown`.

   The last several decades have seen an enormous increase in ufo sightings
and the accounts of supposed alien abduction! You would have to have been
living under a rock somewhere not to have realized this. From the 1960s on
through the 1990s the phenomenon took on a more intense and bizarre
posture! Many reports of being abducted from sleep, torturerd and even
women being impregnated and then, suddenly, not pregnant are just some
of the most disturbing of these reports!

   As I have written before, I believe, from a spiritual worldview, that the
majority of these occurrences are from a spiritual nature, that being a dem~
sonic nature! I realize that this statement will rub some people the wrong
way but I believe my reasoning behind this position will bare itself out
as the reader can discover from my more recent blogs.

   These things, if I can call them that, are very real! That's a dogmatic state~
ment I know but it comes from much research and testimony of those
who are considered knowledgeable in the field and from the people
who have had the occurrences.

   Looking ahead, I don't see a decrease in these events but a dramatic up~
tick in them and, soon after, a very clear and deceptive disclosure of sorts!
I am expecting the government's around the world to come forth with
the news that, in my opinion, they have known for many years and
they will try to pass it off as a brand new revelation. That disclosure will
be that we have been visited from alien species and they are, in fact, here
among us today!

   What will their purpose be for such a disclosure? Will it be to encourage
US that we aren't alone and that these aliens are here for only goodwill
purposes or to add the earth to a galactic~neighborhood filled with many
technically advanced civilizations, sort of like a real Star Trek? We can
guess as to the reasons but knowing how most world government's are, including our own here in the U.S., it seems very doubtful that goodwill
toward men is their intention!

   Whatever comes of this phenomena in the next few months and perhaps
years, we can be sure of one thing...there is absolutely proof that ufos are
real and not going away, as my friend L.A.Marzulli often states!

   Until that disclosure comes, I would encourage each of you to seek God
on this strange subject and ask for wisdom. The future is uncertain but
I am confident that God has it all under control and that he does not
want anyone to be deceived!

Jeff Pendleton


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

My Opinion Doesn't Mean Much

   We engage in conversations every day with people from different walks in life! It really doesn't matter which one of us begins the conversation just as long as both are taking part in it. One does most of the talking while the other does the listening. At least, that's the way it works in our own minds, right?

   But the reality of most conversations is the fact the both parties, and in some cases groups of people, attempt to drive the conversation towards themselves. That's just the way human behavior goes! We are all self~promoters. We want to talk about `us`! Human history is full of self~promoters and today's society is certainly no different. There hasn't been much in the way of progression to a more selfless society! After all, we have to make time for that `selfie` moment, don't we?

   What is most often overlooked is the notion that the other person really doesn't care about your life and the events of it. They aren't required to. If you are guided by a biblical worldview, then that part of listening falls upon you and me!  We are the ones who need to show great interest in what the other is
saying and expressing. This may tug at our freshly nature but it isn't hard to

   That old saying comes to mind, and I have quoted it on numerous occasions, ..people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care!..It's plain and simple. The best things in life usually are! That axiom is
both powerful and liberating, if it is applied it can help bring about better
relationships for all of us.

   So the question becomes, do we care enough to make a change and thereby
make a difference? To engage in a two~sided conversation is far better than
being in a totally one~sided one! When we are `trapped` in a lopsided conversation we stop listening after a while. Right?

   Whatever the day brings in the way of meeting with someone and taking part in a meaningful conversation, making a conscious effort to listen twice as much as we talk usually brings a greater respect from the other person and can end up making a friend where there wasn't one before! This concept really is liberating when we decide to do it!

   Remember, we have two ears and only one mouth. What does that say to us?



Saturday, July 2, 2016


   From every direction they come,
   To spoil and deflate the life from
   each one,

   Anguish and pain with fierce speed
   aiming to destroy and sneering as
   we freely bleed,

   Baring teeth like razor blades, with
   heavy breath and a spirit of fear
   against those of us who believe,

   The battle is set in array, not to be fought
   on the `morrow, no, but for today,
   To ensnare and enslave, striking
   high and low, the await, these
   bringers of toil and folly,

   Ah but for those who are bought
   by the precious blood of Christ, we
   bare his seal. from death to life,

   Their efforts do not succeed, their
   abominable games are withered
   and vanish away, like the dust of
   the earth, futile, impotent, no seed
   To bare,

   We rise from the ashes of our
   trouble and now we see what awaits,
   victory and relief, hope and belief,
   in his presence so sweet, we bow,

   Despite the struggles, we now bend
   our knees, acknowledging his hand
   in meeting our needs,

   He grants us compassion and grace
   is his best, to us he calls and whispers
   gently.....just rest.

   Rest my child, you are weak but I
   am strong, you need not strive
   or stand alone, trust in me and....
   just rest.
