Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Chemtrails? What's Going On?

  Have you looked up at the sky recently? If you
Have noticed the clouds appearing different or
odd~looking you are not alone. A very interesting 
strange thing has been occurring in our skies for
quite a few years now and some have called the
weird~looking clouds of chalky mist, Chemtrails!
  These trails come from jetliners that evidently
are equipped with speakers on each wing and large
streams of chemicals are deposited across the sky in
different patterns and the streams soon spread out~
ward into larger, chalky~looking clouds, but these
are not normal clouds! There are several assumptions
about just what type of chemicals are being sprayed.
Many witnesses are now coming forth with video~
evidence of these jets and the chemstreams being
   As for the reason for spraying the skies above
with harmful and, some say, deadly chemicals is
anyone's guess. While there is video~evidence to
support this article, only those who are doing the
spraying really know the reasons for it! One thing
we do know for certain is that this is not a good
thing! There have been reports of skin~disease and
sickness caused by the Chemtrails! If this is true
that is cause for great alarm to all of humanity!
    I have personally noticed and studied these
planes and their spraying for over 7 years or so!
Over that period of time I have learned much on
the subject of Chemtrails and there effect on us
and it has brought anger to my heart! This is a
deliberate situation, in my opinion, and I strongly
believe that those who are `puppets of the dark
forces` behind the scenes are those who are greatly
responsible for this! Their intentions are sinister!
    We can speculate for weeks and months on the
"why" as to their purposes for the spraying. Some
ideas are that the Chemtrails are serving to pro~
text us from the uv rays of the Sun. Others are
that it causes weather~modification and actual
global~warming! One that I support is that the
Chemtrails are designed for weather~warfare! This
is very plausible if only for that fact of the
super power nations such as the U.S. and Russia
Have remained in a so~called cold war since the
1950s and are currently turning up the heat, if
you will! Each nation is attempting to `out man
uever the other`and these Chemtrails and weather
warfare is just the ticket to allow one or the
other to do just that!
    There is a spiritual/supernatural component
To this situation as well, in my opinion! That
is that our atmosphere is being transformed into
that which was sufficient for the intention of
allowing the fallen angels to return to the earth
and wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting hordes as
they did once before! It sounds preposterous but
it is absolutely a strong probability!
    With this being the case, the best defense
for Christians is prayer! We can and must pray
against these efforts and bind them in the holy
name of Jesus Christ! We have the power to do
this for God's glory, not for ours. It's up to
God's people to stand against spiritual attacks
and I believe these Chemtrails constitute just
such an attack! We must wake up to the efforts
of the enemy (the devil) and educate ourselves
To his plans and schemes! There can't be much
time left to do this!
    Let's stand together as believers, educate
ourselves and study God's word so that we will
be able to withstand these assaults on the
kingdom of our God!  Peace to all who read.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

UFO Agressive Behavior Increasing

  In the most recent reports on ufo activity in the United States, several I~witness videos have shown the crafts hovering quite close to buildings and other
structures in very close proximity. The videos appear to show these objects
moving oddly around and then above the structures, such as the Arch in St.Louis Missouri and nuclear facilities in New Jersey. The past couple of weeks
have seen a marked increase in these sightings and caused quite an uproar
among the residents of several U.S. cities. The aggressive behavior of the ufos
is a disturbing indicator that there could be a change in their motives. What
their motives may or may not be remains a large part of the mystery as a whole.

No one can say for certain if the ufos are a threat to our national security or
exactly what they are doing here. Many other countries are experiencing just
as many occurrences as the U.S. With today's impressive technology we are
able to gather much more evidence than in past years, though critics of the
phenomena will always find fault with any kind of evidence, whether it's on
video or a photograph! As with any mystery the bulk of reports on ufos has
been mistaken identity, but a certain percentage of these qualify as potential
unknowns and unusual flying objects! The amount of solid data being gathered
is increasing exponentially and some researchers have said that, "it's an exciting time to be a ufo~researcher!"

From the 1980s to present day, the obvious increase in sightings and reports
of these objects/craft has some in the scientific world very concerned! This is
not, however, a testament of the majority of scientists! Most scientists do not
consider this phenomena a valid topic of study. Stephen Hawking is not one
of them! Hawking is quite concerned that making contact with any `alien~
civilization` would be catastrophic for the human race! He has been very
public with his comments as well! 

The smallest amount of serious research on anyone's part will reveal the ever
increasing activity and unnerving closeness of the ufos! Are we simply being
observed or is there a much more sinister plan involved here? I am of the
opinion that we may very soon find the answer to that question in a manner
not consistent with our natural way of life! It may well be that the occupants
of these objects and governments around the world are in some sort of co~
lusion with each other, planning to enslave the human race for their own
nefarious agendas! That's just one man's opinion here, however!

In the days and weeks to come it is my intention to further my own research
on this phenomena and, hopefully, gather as much information as I can,
personally, to help bring answers to those of us who are quite concerned
with these events. Whatever the situation may be I hope to be able to once
again bring the newest and strangest occurrences to you on this blog.

I want to say a very big thank you to each one who takes the time to read
this blog. It is much appreciated!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Wondering About The Mandella Effect

  Spending lots of time recently watching different videos pertaining to
something called, "The Mandella Effect", a rather enigmatic and muster~
ious idea that more and more people are realizing that their memories
of certain events and even particular products have somehow changed.
This idea is catching on with youtubers around the globe and is making
waves with it's strange subject!
   I am withholding my own opinion on the subject for the moment but
I intend on continual study of it until I know more. I can't deny, however,
the impact this mystery is causing in the lives of so many! Whether older
or younger these people truly believe that their reality, the one they know
so well, has changed. Some of these supposed changes appear to be subtle
while a smaller amount seems to be on a larger scale! I'm not sure what it
all means but I will say, positively, that those who are effected by this
phenomena strongly believe it is happening to them!
  I have no right or cause to deny their beliefs! Whatever this is it is an
incredible occurrence and it is spreading rapidly. In my opinion, it
demands further study and requires an open mind from those who are
drawn by it's mysterious subject~matter. Could it possibly be true? What
does it mean for humanity if it is happening? At this moment there is
much speculation and far too many questions to be answered, though
questions can be good when searching out a mystery.
  Maybe the answers will be different for each person involved or maybe
it will be the same answer for all, we can only wonder right now until
more attention from the masses brings this subject to the forefront of
the daily news headlines. Whether that happens or not largely depends
on those in official government capacities to `allow` it to be publicised.
As with many other situations and secrets, the government's response
Will no doubt state something along the lines of...national security...
and thereby shut the door on this mystery as with so many others.
  Until then, we can continue to do our own research and spend a week~
end binge~watching Youtube on this current weird phenomena. I would
love some feedback from my readers on this subject, pro and con, so we
can start a discussion on it. Feel free to comment my friends.  Blessings

Thursday, August 4, 2016


More Of The Same Please

  When I posted the article on what I labled as "the Cracker Barrel movement" a few weeks ago, I
was excited and hopeful that what I described in the post and believed our society needs would be
well-received by my audience. I am sure that some who read it were pleasantly surprised and liked
the fact that there are still those who value and display good manors and an attitude of love for
others! If you haven't seen the post I would invite you to please take a look at it soon on my blog

  Obviously we are all challenged each day to show more kindness, patience and love to our
neighbors but most of us fall woefully short on a daily basis! That's embarrassing to me but it
can be changed. My own desire is to see our society return to a much more compassionate way
of interacting with one another and deal a vital blow to the current poisonous agenda rolling
through the earth, with no regard for any kind of life and especially against any who do not bow
to them and their false god! Its genocide of every one who rejects their evil doctrine.

  When my wife and I witnessed that 'attitude of gratitude' that day in our neighborhood Cracker
Barrel we could do nothing but smile and let the mood flow through us for a moment. It lingered
inside us until after we finished our meal and headed home. I have to make a personal observation
here, though. As soon as we left the parking lot that day, we were quickly ushered back into the
'real world' and that same selfish attitude which prevails among us all. Tragic, indeed! We allow
ourselves to be strongly influence by what society tells us is the way things are!

  Life matters to God! All life! He, after all, created life! There should be no doubt about that and
if anyone denies the existence of a creator-God, I invite you to take a little walk outside your
house and just look up. What you see in the sky and space should by itself be enough evidence
for you to understand that you were created, not evolved from slime or from monkeys! I digress,
though. Its much easier to believe that a loving, compassionate and gracious God chose to create
living beings and place them on a living planet in order to continue living, not dying.

  As I have stated already, our society needs help! We are sadly lacking in each of the vital areas
mentioned here! The great news is, however, we can work on each area of need on a daily basis
and, with Gods help, we can soon return to a place which will allow us to display those
wonderful attributes once again. Even more simply, we can practice these attitudes with our
family members, which seems to be the most difficult area for all of us. Fun and games time with
brother and sister, right> Are you serious?

  It takes only one person to begin the 'movement' and I have to believe that many of us will
take up the gauntlet and get this thing rolling with vigor and determination amd, who knows,
watch as the whole attitude of it begins changing us from the inside out. That's really what it's
all about, after all!

  Move on folks.

Jeff Pendleton



Scientists BAFFLED! Strange Sounds Over Cali, New Moon Mysteries & More!...

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Are We Getting Closer?

  Its not that I'm tired of writing on the subject of ufos, hardly, its only that I would really
like to see more researchers and writers be more open to the one area that they seem to jump right over every time when it comes to the possible origin of these objects and their occupants!  Most of
the researchers attention seems to be relegated to the physical and one dimensional aspect of the
reports. They often attempt to prove or disprove these accounts from that standpoint alone, not
even considering any other, plausible theory on the phenomena.

  Most notably the very real possibility that the beings occupying these craft are of a spiritual or
dimensional nature and not merely physical, living creatures which have managed to travel across
the galaxy in order to take a hard, long look at the humans here on the earth! To focus on the
theory that any 'alien' species coming to our world would have to be of a physical body and similar
intelligence is fairly absurd and borders on arrogance! Often the most obvious answer is hidden
behind prejudice and ignorance on our part. That's not a knock against us it just happens to be
true in most cases!

  It has been and will continue to be my hypothesis that the majority, if not all, of these dreadful
encounters reported over the last 60 years or more are squarely laid at the feet of spiritual forces
which have haunted our planet for thousands of years! They are jokesters, fiddling with us on a
level of demonic shenanigans which are designed to deceive as many unsuspecting souls as
possible before they are finished! It is were left to them, they would never be finished! These
entities are actors playing their diabolical roles before all of humanity, at least before those who
have had close encounters with them.

  I am strongly motivated by my faith to do all I can to reveal what these beings truly are and they
hate that! Their only wish is to stay 'masked' until that final hour when their staged performance is
set to be unleashed on humanity! At that time, I am convinced that those who are here during this
time will witness the "good cop vs bad cop" scenario and watch the entire parody played-out to
the absolute delight of their maestro, satan. This is his doing and he intends to see it through no
matter what it takes! Its my faith in Jesus Christ that has been the sole provider of the revelation
I am describing to you here.

  For the decades in which I have studied and been fascinated by the 'unknown and mysterious' I
have come to realize that much of it is relegated to the 'darker forces' at work in the universe. I
strongly believe that God has protected me and my very soul since my childhood because the
enemy set his 'sights' on me, as it were, after my ufo sighting at the age of 11. That encounter,
if I can call it that, made an everlasting impression on me and I haven't stopped searching this
mystery out since then.

  I am certain, as well, that some who read this will scoff and ridicule my stance on this matter
and that's fine. They will, however, have to understand that this is my blog and I can write
whatever I 'bloody well' please here. Please believe me, that is not animosity which I speak
with just a little bit of that 11 year old boy coming out on paper. Sorry, folks!

  Whatever you or I may conclude about the ufo phenomenon it has to be admitted from all
of us that we really don't know with 100 percent accuracy that each and every one of the
reports of unidentified flying objects are of so-called 'alien origin' or demonic. We are forced
to continue our research and let our opinions remain at bay, just as it should be until that
moment when some sort of disclosure by government and military officials is released!

  Until that time, may we all be safe and stay true to our convictions on this and all other

Jeff Pendleton