When we are children we fully trust our parents to be our providers, our protectors and our nurturers! It comes to us 'automatically' and we don't seem to have any problems doing just that! So as adults, why does it seem to be such a difficult thing to trust God, the creator of the entire universe, with our daily lives? Why do we hesitate to give over our cares and concerns to the one who can easily handle it all and provide everything we need in the areas of health, finances (a real big area), marriage and raising our children right? Is it supposed to be so difficult? No, not at all! Especially for those who call themselves Christians, who have put their faith in the blessed word of God and in the death, burial and resurrection of his son, Jesus! Fact is, however, that we do have a hard time putting that same kind of simple, unadulterated, faith in God to take care of us, always! We may feel that there is something 'extra' that we must do in order to bring about the results we are hoping for in a given situation! We just want to "help God get things done" and feel better about the situation, whatever it may be! News flash....God doesn't need any help from us to get things done! Did that hit home for anybody? It did for me!
I have a great deal of difficulty 'letting go' and letting God take over! After all, he is in control of it all anyway! He holds our very next breath in his hand, so why am I fearful that he can take good care of my own life? It doesn't make good sense, really! Worry is a common thing among Christians, sadly! For us to worry about certain things is a contradiction against the LORD and his saving grace! It goes against his character of loving us unconditionally! When we worry about anything we are telling God that he can't take care of us! Are you serious? The Almighty God created the universe and you in his own image and, yet, you say he can't do what you can do by worrying? That borders on blasphemy, folks! It's also absurd!
The LORD did not "save" us in order to leave us alone to fend for ourselves! He has promised that he "will never leave us or forsake us" (Psalms 9:10) for any reason whatsoever! He is faithful and his love for us is a constant love! You can depend upon it! In order for our lives to be blessed and secure, we must learn that we can fully trust God! To do otherwise is disobedience and sin! God deserves much better from us!
If we are struggling today with insecurity and worry over situations that we have no control over but God does then we need to take a "self examination" and fix the problem! Here's a hint....it's a "heart problem'! It's my prayer for us all that we begin today, right away, to make the change needed to put our trust in the most High God and rest in his power to meet all of our needs!
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