Its certainly not breaking news to anyone that the Corona virus has disrupted and haalted much of our daily lifestyles. This (plan)demic has caused catastrophic interruptions in the worldwide economy, not to mention the loss of lives, and still wreaks havoc on the lives of families across the globe.
As the world governments appear to be trying to 'manage' the spread of this illness they are at the same time tightening the restrictiins upon societies everywhere. It wouod seem that the main goal is not to eradicate a severe illness but to use a (supposed) epidemic to bring about a global lockdown which serves their egostical purposes.
At first glance one could easily say that their wicked ambitions are working. There is growing civil unrest in our American cities, family breakdowns in many households, rampant divorce among couples and a rapidly increasing hatred of God and all that is considered good. The American dream has been exchanged for the American nightmare.
Dont misunderstand me, please. There is no doubt that this virus is real. It has taken many lives around the world and is still a dangerous threat to even more, but I would encourage you to look at the numbers being given. They are not accurate. If anything, they are greatly exaggerated. The WHO and the CDC have lied to us. Their aim is to mislead in order to secure more control.
Fear is a great weapon of the enemy and he uses those who have 'dark hearts' in order to advance his wicked schemes. So many are willing participants in this game. They are blinded to spiritual things and this world-wide plague is just one of their platforms being used to deceive the populations. Sadly, so many are being led by the nose into oblivion.
As a born-again, Spirit-filled believer in Christ Jesus I am deeply aware that this scenario is a form of spiritual warfare. The devil is adamant about using sickness and disease to stifle his enemies. He often receives help from us because we ignorantly go about telling him our weaknesses. Our words give us away, just as scripture explains to us.
When the Lord Jesus came to this earth he brought healing and victory. The bible tells us in Isaiah 53 and verse 5..."by his stripes we ARE healed". We are already healed by his precious blood. That's physical healing AND spiritual. Being saved, born from above, is great health to us. Yet we very often plead the opposite. We give the devil 'a place'. An opportunity to strike.
We are to speak life and health, not sickness and death. This practice is very foreign to the world but when we became a child of God we instintainiously became strangers and pilgrims in this world. We are the real 'weirdos' to others. We no longer belong here. That's great news, actually.
As I ponder the condition of this earth, the pandemic, the unrest and violence that has spread throughout the nation and the growing hatred to Christianity, it grieves me and I know it breaks the heart of God. He loves us ALL so much yet we turn our backs and mock him. It's a terrible indictment upon mankind.
I am convinced, however, that with much prayer, fasting and seeking his face, we will see a great change come and a revival to our land soon. I have to believe this and I am expecting it. I pray that it starts with me and that the fire of revival will be kindled in my own heart today.
May the Lord God help us to see the errors of our ways and humbly repent, asking his forgiveness. We must to this or we will see our nation fall very quickly.
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