Thursday, June 28, 2018

Space Race 2018; What's All The Fuss?

With President Trump announcing his plans for a sixth branch of the military, his Space Force, and Elon Musk revealing further plans to travel through our galaxy in order to colonize Mars and other planets along with news from the Japanese orbiters on Mars revealing some "interesting discoveries", it certainly seems like a brand new 'space-race's is about to break out!

That's quite interesting and compelling to me! I am old enough to recall the first 'space race's of the 1960's between the United States and Russia and how volital it was! Many people still believe we (the U.S.) got there first, when in actuality, the Russians made it to space before we did! That seems a little academic at this point but one could say that the tension to realize the dreams of some and the mandate of other's (Trumps initiative) can be likened to the previous race!

We would do well to mention here as well, that, in recent year's encounters with ufos and alien species has greatly increased, reportedly! Sightings of ufos is certainly nothing new to our society or to many other societies for that matter and the number of reported abduction cases has also been on the rise as well! We should not be at all surprised, given the reports, that a renewed sense of urgency has prompted several governments of the world to quickly jump into 'warp-speed', if you will, and grab hold of the lead in the revived space race! It makes for a very interesting and engaging summer for those of us who enjoy news concerning space, astronomy, exploration and, maybe, most importantly, Star Trek, and to get just a little excited!

Here is to the race to space and to the adventures ahead!  Warp speed everyone! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Mercy-Seat

The Mercy-seat atop of the ark of the covenant is the location of where the blood of the atoning sacrifice by the Jews in antiquity was spread! When Jesus Christ died on the cross just outside the city gates of Jerusalem, his precious blood was shed to be the atoning sacrifice for my sin and your sin, as well as being the very blood spilled upon the top (left) portion of the mercy-seat on the ark of the covenant, sitting directly under the place of the cross of Christ! Over 600 years before, the ark was hidden under the place-of-the-skull called, Golgatha! Only Almighty God could have orchestrated this awesome miracle for Ron Wyatt to discover in the 1990's!

An amazing story and fact which has taken much 'heat' over the unimaginable finding! However, God's plan is perfect and no man, fallen angel or satan himself, can deny it! All glory goes to the LORD God of the universe! 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Its Crunch Time: The Trial Of Our Faith

Its Crunch Time: The Trial Of Our Faith: There is little doubt that those who profess themselves to be true, "born-again believers"in the LORD JESUS Christ are finding th...

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Trial Of Our Faith

There is little doubt that those who profess themselves to be true, "born-again believers"in the LORD JESUS Christ are finding that they are being bombarded by what the bible calls, 'manifold trials or temptations'!In many countries throughout the world there is severe persecution upon Christians! It is especially harsh in the middle-east countries, as many know! These persecutions are part of the life of a genuine 'believer in Christ's! The normal, everyday afflictions that are just facts of human life have to also be factored into the equation! It is, however, a tragic fact that the Christian religion (though it really isn't about a religion) is suffering far more persecution in the entire world than any other to date! That isn't new! The reality is that this persecution has gone on since the days of Jesus, over two thousand years ago, and it does not show signs of slowing down any! In fact, it seems to be escalating! Many mid-east Christians lose their life or are imprisoned for their faith! That was commonplace during the time of the apostles of Jesus! It's the same today. No difference at all, except, maybe, that it is much worse now! I might be guilty of speaking out-of-turn there but I think you get my point! In 1st Peter 1:7-9, we see that Peter was speaking to those who were "new" Christians throughout the area around Greece and trying to encourage them during their many trials (manifold temptations vs.6) and trying to teach them that the "the end of your faith, even your salvation" was what awaits them when this life is over! We must, as true believers, be willing to lay down our own life, in full, at the feet of Jesus and be his servants! Servants are not slaves! If we do this 'willingly' he has promised to give us great reward and the power of his 'Holy Spirit' to guide us during these hard times! The question is...are we willing to do just that? To lay everything we own and everything we are (our very soul's) are the feet of the LORD in order to gain the "life more abundant" which he has promised to give us during our time on the earth. The best part of that deal, I believe, belongs to us as we get to have 'eternal life's and spend it with Jesus and those we love who were saved! Man, what a deal! Are you willing to, if I may borrow a line from a friend, "put all your money on Jesus", and give up everything here in reverential trust? Or are you afraid of losing your family, job, marriage, health in order to serve him? It's tough, but the best thing's and opportunities in life are the toughest ones to gain but they yield the very best 'returns' on our investment! Life is hard and the life of a 'real' Christian is, in many ways, much harder to live, however, it is well-worth the fight! Don't let the enemies of God influence you! Give your "all" to him and watch the amazing results of God's goodness show up in abundance!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Time And Time Again

Time travel. What a fascinating and difficult topic to discuss! For much of my life my mind and spirit have been fixated upon the enigmatic proposal of time travel! Whether it is really possible or if my own imagination has devoted a large area of space to this very unconventional subject, regardless of it's validity! I just love thinking about it! I have question over and over again if there is enough science to 'back it up' and, if so, how do I go about exploring it? Where do I begin? If it works, will I ever return to the present or will I be lost in a black hole, roaming through dimensional space for eternity? I'm pretty certain that would not happen, but it is worth thinking about.

Since the young age of 14 I have continually written articles and short-stories which were devoted to time travel and I don't see any evidence of slowing down today. Somehow, I think, this subject is important to me, on a very personal level! I have no idea why...yet! My determination here is not in doubt. Only the methods by which I must proceed are in question! I must determine where to begin! It is vital for scientific study and even spiritual significance, in my opinion! God is my resource in any case! The quest will be worth every second of effort, for certain! No time to waste....hahaha!

Into the future or back to the past? Which will it be?
Some have said that there is biblical evidence of traveling to an appointed spot in the future, as in the case of Paul, the apostle, and on the Mount of transfiguration for Jesus, Moses and Elijah! Based on this biblical evidence, I am much more comfortable in proceeding further. There needs to be tons more research done in order to even know what it is I'm looking for! I'm looking for answers! The journey to finding more knowledge begins with a first step! As with anything important, dedication, patience and determination are invaluable tools one has to have! I am convinced that I possess all three of the requirements, thank the Lord!

Excitement and adventure are my guiding motives right now, along with a great deal of curiosity! It's a quest for knowledge, after all! I can go no further than God has previously determined, however, and it is my intention to abide by his rule of law! My love for the LORD and my desire to learn more are basic 'driving-forces' that guide me, above all other notions! Without God in my life, I may or may not have been consumed with finding the answer to this puzzle, but it is certain that I wouldn't have the inner drive to keep going! I give the LORD all the credit for giving me this desire to know and to even consider this quest! The glory is all his!

I realize I could have put a bunch of scientific theories on the subject in here, but I don't think either you or I would get much out of a swath of statistics and diagrams proving or disproving the theory of time-travel! Wouldn't be much fun and this, on a small scale, at least, is meant to be fun! If it wasn't fun I wouldn't do it! Sounds just like an adventurer, doesn't it? Let the journey begin....somewhere....and let us jump in with both feet, set our moorings, prepare the ship, and...well, you know what I mean! Let's get busy and find our answer, together!

Its Crunch Time: In Due Time

Its Crunch Time: In Due Time: We are told in Romans 5;6 of the Holy bible that "when we were without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly (me)"! ...

Monday, June 11, 2018

In Due Time

We are told in Romans 5;6 of the Holy bible that "when we were without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly (me)"! That is very encouraging to me and it's the main reason I have titled this article after the mid-section of the verse! I hope it brings encouragement to you as well.

Thinking about being "without strength" can cover much ground in a Christians life! We are constantly bombarded from every side with temptations and we are thoroughly worn out by daily routines such as our job or business! Our time with family, especially with children, comes with greater demands today than was the case just a few decades ago! We do, however, 'sign I'm for this duty, despite the fact that we like to pretend we didn't! Our lot was chosen and we are either "all the way in" or we aren't!

Each of us reaches a 'breaking-point' at some time or other in our walk! It's almost inevitable! For men, it's normally a physical break, but for many women, it's much more an emotional one! If you have been married for any length of time, you are certainly aware of this fact! That's an extra bonus for you. No charge! Being married to a mate who is supportive of what you are trying to do for Christ is essential but not critical, in my opinion! Whether your mate supports you or not is really irrelevant when it comes to serving the LORD! We are called by God to serve, first! All other relationships, including marriage, are secondary to this call! If we are blessed to have a wife or husband who has as much of a desire to serve God as you do, so much the better! It certainly lends help to us from a natural standpoint! A good woman is not hard to find if you allow God to do the picking for you! The same goes for finding a good husband, ladies!

In Due time, to me, speaks directly to any moment, or moments, when we face our 'melting-point'. In times of weariness or weakness (spiritual) finding out that God "has our back" can go a long way and propel us to greater heights of service for him! It is vital that we keep this perspective fresh at during those times! The enemy is here to destroy the believer-in-Christ, remember!? Being re-newed with His strength will allow us the means and power to continue on, no matter what satan throws at us, and we, in turn, bring glory to God with faithful endurance and service! After all, doesn't the LORD deserve the most effort and sacrifice we can give? He did it for us and we didn't deserve anything at all! God is awesome like that! Be blessed, folks!