My friend L.A.Marzulli (I call him that because we are both Christians) brought us a new video this week about disclosure of the UFO phenomena and what Christians should be learning from it to prepare for the time when this will hit the news worldwide. There is no one better at searching these things out and putting the light of God's word on them!
L.A. strongly believes, as I do, that the 'great deception to come' that is spoken of in the new testament of the bible clearly shows that UFO's will be a big part of this! I am sure of it as well due to research of God's word and due-diligence of reorts of abductions and more and more unidentified crafts in our skies!
Many Christians in todays local church don't give ufo's a thought while other's steer away from the subject in ridicule and fear! Some call we who study such things, a 'little off' and wasting our time!
I say..NOT!..This phenom is real, burgining and not going away, as Marzulli regularly states!
The old Chinese proverb...keep your friends close but your enemies closer...should fit well right here. Its my prayer that many more Christians will open up to this real threat to God's people and to those who are lost! The eternal soul is what is at stake! God loves us all and wants us to be with him and these creatures twist that story, bigtime! They claim to some that they are humankind's creators! On each Friday night on the History channel propaganda is forced down our throats and the show Aliens
has managed a huge audience of the curious and those who have had personal encounters in their lives. this show provides theory and many opinions from the hosts' along with nice techno-babble!
For now, though, Christians need to educate themselves and stand on the front-lines, ready for battle because it's just over the horizon!~
May the Lord God bless us and help us
Jeff Pendleton