Have you looked up at the sky recently? If you
Have noticed the clouds appearing different or
odd~looking you are not alone. A very interesting
strange thing has been occurring in our skies for
quite a few years now and some have called the
weird~looking clouds of chalky mist, Chemtrails!
These trails come from jetliners that evidently
are equipped with speakers on each wing and large
streams of chemicals are deposited across the sky in
different patterns and the streams soon spread out~
ward into larger, chalky~looking clouds, but these
are not normal clouds! There are several assumptions
about just what type of chemicals are being sprayed.
Many witnesses are now coming forth with video~
evidence of these jets and the chemstreams being
As for the reason for spraying the skies above
with harmful and, some say, deadly chemicals is
anyone's guess. While there is video~evidence to
support this article, only those who are doing the
spraying really know the reasons for it! One thing
we do know for certain is that this is not a good
thing! There have been reports of skin~disease and
sickness caused by the Chemtrails! If this is true
that is cause for great alarm to all of humanity!
I have personally noticed and studied these
planes and their spraying for over 7 years or so!
Over that period of time I have learned much on
the subject of Chemtrails and there effect on us
and it has brought anger to my heart! This is a
deliberate situation, in my opinion, and I strongly
believe that those who are `puppets of the dark
forces` behind the scenes are those who are greatly
responsible for this! Their intentions are sinister!
We can speculate for weeks and months on the
"why" as to their purposes for the spraying. Some
ideas are that the Chemtrails are serving to pro~
text us from the uv rays of the Sun. Others are
that it causes weather~modification and actual
global~warming! One that I support is that the
Chemtrails are designed for weather~warfare! This
is very plausible if only for that fact of the
super power nations such as the U.S. and Russia
Have remained in a so~called cold war since the
1950s and are currently turning up the heat, if
you will! Each nation is attempting to `out man
uever the other`and these Chemtrails and weather
warfare is just the ticket to allow one or the
other to do just that!
There is a spiritual/supernatural component
To this situation as well, in my opinion! That
is that our atmosphere is being transformed into
that which was sufficient for the intention of
allowing the fallen angels to return to the earth
and wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting hordes as
they did once before! It sounds preposterous but
it is absolutely a strong probability!
With this being the case, the best defense
for Christians is prayer! We can and must pray
against these efforts and bind them in the holy
name of Jesus Christ! We have the power to do
this for God's glory, not for ours. It's up to
God's people to stand against spiritual attacks
and I believe these Chemtrails constitute just
such an attack! We must wake up to the efforts
of the enemy (the devil) and educate ourselves
To his plans and schemes! There can't be much
time left to do this!
Let's stand together as believers, educate
ourselves and study God's word so that we will
be able to withstand these assaults on the
kingdom of our God! Peace to all who read.